Arnika found Shiyun

Shiyun was in a hurry to leave. But he was followed. And neither could he scold the girl who looked extremely weak and poor.

"No.. ar.." he stopped failing to recall her name.

"Arnika," She told him again.

"Gooseberry," Shiyun smiled suddenly. Fleur never had them though it is good for health. She would rather eat more peaches.

"Please, please help me, it is Fleur who sent me here," and finally Arnika spit the truth.

"What did you say?" Shiyun stopped on the spot and looked at her, turning around.

"what did you just say?" he asked again.

"Please..." Arnika said.

"No after that," Shiyun urged her.

"Fleru sent me here.."

"Fleur?" Shiyun asked to confirm.


"The Demon Realm's Crown Princess, The only Celestial Dragon in the universe?" Shiyun asked again and again about Fleur.

"What?" Arnika understood nothing. "She is what and what?" Arnika wondered.

"Oh so you did not know her identity," Shoyun smirked and began to walk. 'Maybe if I keep her, I will get to know more about Fleur, she must have sent this poor girl with a mission for me to deal with,' Shiyun thought on his own.

"The crown princess of the Demon Realm?" Arnika's eyes grew wide. She shivered. "What the hell!" she could not hide the shock. "Is that why I'm being chased day and night, like a traitor?"

"You are being chased?" Shiyun asked her feeling no surprise.

"Yes, every minute of the day since the princess you mentioned rescued me," Arnika explained.

"She rescued you?" Shiyun stopped walking again. "Why?"

"I was a prisoner, I broke the rule by taking to a flower fairy during work, I was punished. He died while starving, and I was rescued by Fleur who was passing by," Arnika narrated the whole adventure they had and how Fleur flew and escaped from Floral Realm.

"She flew?" Shiyun was shocked. He never taught her that. Neither did he recollect any memory where she unlockd the power of a Celestial Dragon. 'An emergency situation made her unlock and upgrade her own power. Which means her other powers must have been sealed,' Shiyun thought.

"Yes flew, flew so high that no one could catch up with us. She was awesome," Arnika said proudly..

"Where is show now? Why is she not with you?" Shiyun asked. He had high hopes that she is around him. He was yet to hear news from her side. And about her.

"She? Fleur left,"

Arnika said without any seriousness. Shiyun was shocked. "What?" he asked. "She left ?"

"Yeah, she left,"

"Left to where? Will you speak properly?" Shiyun began to lose his patience. He stopped her by holding her hand.

"Ow that hurts," said the girl.

"Where did she go?" his hear began to thump loud.

"Human Realm, to the place mortals live,"

"Why?" he asked. 'Why would she go to earth? Why is she getting our of hell? Why was she in heaven?' he could not find an answer.

"How would I know?" Arnika said and looked at Shiyun's tension face. She noticed his sad eyes, his long nose, and his lips. She wondered if she had ever come across such a handsome cultivator in life and the answer was no. She inhaled and she got his scent. The sent of a morning dew.

"What else did she tell you?" Shiyun asked but she was busy staring at him and observing him, mesmerized by his handsome face and body. "What else did she tell you? Can you not hear me? Arnika?" he raised his voice.

"Ah.. " she asked slowly. "Ah yes " she suddenly woke up from her dreamy state and shook her head. 'Get a hold of yourself, idiot,' she told to herself.

"She asked me where the gate to earth is and I gave her directions to the portal, she left instantly. She remembered to give me a copy of her map, your portrait and some money. She said you are kind and will help me," Arnika finished narrating everything that took place. But Shiyun worried and kept looking at Arnika. 'What kind of game is this going to be?' he wondered. "Take me there," he ordered Arnika.

"Nghaaaaa.. does that mean I can join you?" Arnika began to bug Shiyun who prepared to leave to the gate.