She found the answers (Flashback)

Aqua decided to haunt Emperor Tai and played well right in front of him.

"You are not allowed princess," The guards tried stopping her," but she did not stop. She attacked those who tried to stop her and offended her. The news spread like wild fire in heaven. Emperor Tai was shaken a little.

Aqua bravely stepped inside the Celestial and walked to the court. Her sword in her hand. She kept her head held high. The bravery scared everyone. Aqua climbed the stairs and smirked looking at the throne. "Is this what you killed people for before?" she asked and turned around to face Tai standing at the distance. Aqau sat on the throne and put her leg over the other. She was super arrogant. "What?" she asked.

"Aqua, what are you doing?"

"Why? Don't you know what I'm doing?" Aqua asked.

"This is not the place to throw tantrums Aqua, get down,"

"Tantrums?" Aqua laughed out loud. "Shut up," she shouted. "Why did you do this to the King?" she asked about her father and family.

"Because they wronged me," Tai said without flinching though he was super scared of Aqua.

"Wronged you? Duh, you existence it self is wrong and a burden to this universe, how dare you talk about other wronging you?" she asked him. She leaned back on the throne and kept playing with her sword.

"Aqua want do you want?" Emperor Tai tried to keep his temper down. He tried summoning his golden sword but it kept failing and unyielding. Aqua then stood up. "Are you satisfied now? Since they are gone?" Did you enjoy killing them?" she smiled and mocked him.

"Well, very much," he replied shamelessly. "Threats must be plucked out before it spreads," he said.

"I see, then you must have gave then a super had burial too," Aqua smirked. "Nothing good can be expected from you," she tried to pour oil in the fire.

"I'm an honourable man Aqua,"

"I'm sorry Uncle Tai I forgot that," Aqua said sarcastically.

"I gave them a decent burial,"

"Really? Zhen da?" Aqua pretended to be surprised. Her idea was to make him spit the truth so that she can go search for her family and Tai did take bait.

"Don't you people love water? So I send them back to where they came from!" he said proudly.

'Sea, it's sea, but which part?' Aqua waited for him to speak.

"I sent them to the place they can never return back from,"

It clicked to Aqua then. There is only one part in the ocean where even high level cultivator and high gods cannot return from. The storm's eye.

"You buried them at the Storm's eye in the sea behind out Realm?" she asked him. He nodded proudly again.

She sat back on the throne again and kept mocking him.

"Enough Aqua," he raised his voice. 

"Why? Are you angry? Does it irritate you? Is it irritating?" 

"My silly girl, you don't even know who you are playing with," he said. Aqua laughed loudly. She did not stop. 

"Oh I absolutely know that am here wasting my time talking to a fake Phoenix, how do I not know that Uncle Tai?' She asked him, still remaining in the throne itself. "My dear Uncle Tai, did you enjoy when you killed my parents? Tell me honestly, are you addicted to killing people, i heard there are unusual death happening in the palace? what are you? death eater?" She went straight to the topic. 

"You," he said and clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "You, I will teach you a lesson," he said and took out his sword this time instead of golden sword. He let the sword plunch straight into her heart. But Aqua took out her crystals and when the sword reached her heart, the crystals resisted them, keeping the swords a step away from her. The pressure made the sword shiver. Aqua walked forward and the sword moving backward as she took each step, her crystals covering her like a shield. It looked pretty dashing and heroic. "You think you can kill me just like that?" she asked him. "Did you forget that I was created as your weapon for some stupid cause?" She asked him. "Do you think such a trained cultivator can die easily?" The sword fell down on her feet losing its cultivation. She picked up the sword and touched the blade. "Blunt," she said. "Why does it not still work for you? it looks untamed," she angered the Emperor trying to the words out if his mouth, offending him again again. "Ahhhhhh I get in now," she said. But he remained tight lipped. And out of the blue, she threw the sword at his direction and Tai was shocked and shut his eyes tight taking several steps backward. But Aqua had stopped the sword when it reached right in front of his face. She put her arms down and the fake golden sword fell on the ground. Tai took the immediately and out them back on it's sheath. Aqua understood how it is not the real golden sword of the Phoenix, the one that attacked her months back. "This appeared to be the real sword of the fake Phoenix. Or else it wouldn't have been able to tame it no time," she said. She was satisfied since she got the answers from his mouth.