Traces (Flashback)

Aqua got the clues. Her parents are alive. Her family is wekk and good. The stars assured her. Aqua decided to go find the truth. First she decided to go home, to her Water Realm to find clues about a place she read in the books in the restricted section of library. A place beyond the storm's eye in the sea. But on her way Aqua learned the truth that the person she is searching for is her father's friend itself. She decided to go to earth, to visit the King in charge of Human Realm. King Zidan.

Travelling ot earth secretly was risky but she took it. Even though she had no idea where the people she needs to find are, she searched for them. She made sure she searched every corner for the keys who will lead her to the place she is searching for.

But she did not know Huo has set out searching for her feeling worried smheairmg about her attack on Emperor Tai and the palace guards and knights. His heart was restless. The first place he went to search was Water Palace itself. He looked every where for, see where she has hidden but instead of finding Aqua he ended up finding the second princess, and grand prince.

Milan and Aiden.

"What are you doing here?" Aiden asked with his sword kept on the neck of King Huo.

"I should ask the same thing back probably," Huo said moving the sword away.

"We came in search for my sister,"

"I came in search for her too," Huo told them.

"I thought you took care of her," Aiden got a try.

"She ran away, and I let her, she stirred some trouble in Tai's heart, she is in search of something, we should help her," Huo said and tried to find the traces of Aqua.

The clues did lead to Human Realm but Huo'er had no idea what she was upto. He found her when she was about to get into trouble and he froze the time.

"Aqua," he reached for her. "You could have,"

"I know," she said and back put from her plan. She walked out of the office room in a hotel she found what she was searching for. But the clue was so different and difficult.

"I have seen what I saw in that old man's head before in Shifu's hand while we were training I have seen the very same map in my father's study once," she said to him. "Why are you here?" she them remembered to ask her.

"How can I not come for you?" he asked her and carried her back to her room.

"Milan and Aiden are here with me," Huo'er told her while he began to put on his clothes. Aqua got up and sat straight covering herself in the quilt, feeling surprised. "let's go meet them," he said to Aqua. Aqua got excited.

"And we must return to King Zidan soon and ask him what happened, he will slip his tongue if we force him," Aqua reminded Huo.