Scary Princess (Flashback)

Aqua had her sword on King Zidan's neck. "Aqua you are committing a mistake," King Zidan is like family, close friends with Water Realm. Indeed as Aqua doubted, Zidan had Intel about the death of her family. And Aqua found no way else to get the news from his mouth.

"I know what I'm doing very well uncle Zidan, at times like this, what matters the most I'd my blood more than anything else, you have choices, I hope you make the right one," Aqua warned. Huo'er stood behind her. And so did the second princess Milan and Grand Prince Aiden.

"Are you two going to follow her?" King Zidan asked Milan and Aiden.

"We are," Aiden agreed.

"We would not rest until we find what we seek," Milan said. She sounded determined just like Aqua. King Zidan then looked at Huo'er.

"Are you ready to face the consequences then, getting Demon Realm involved with heavenly matters?" King Zidan tried his best manipulating people.

"We will see about that," Huo'er said and folded his arms against his chest. Aqua moved her crystal sword closer to his neck. Her eyes were sparkling. Zidan looked at then for a minute. He could see everything. What she is trying to do. No she would not kill him, he knows that too well. He has seen her grow up right under his nose since her birth.

"Aqua, certain things and certain words should not be uttered," Zidan said and smiled. It was a hint.

Aqua closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She put the sword down. "You have to understand," Zidan expressed. "Don't we take promises seriously?" Zidan was trying his best to tell Aqua indirectly. Aqua turned around and she left the court. Others followed her. She went back to the usual guest house she stays at when she visits the King with her father.

"We are not leaving?" Aiden asked. Huo'er and Milan looked at him for acting stupid.

"No Aiden, threatening did not work, then let us find another way," Aqua tried to be patient while she explained. "I'm tired," she added. Huo did not think twice. He carried her in his arms and walked into one of the bedrooms.

"What are you doing? Put me down," Aqua told him.

"Relax, let's get some sleep,"

"Huo no am not in a mood to..." she began.

"Oh my. No I did mean.. you sleep, I will stay next to you,"

Aqua looked at him. She blushed. "okay," she looked away. He chuckled and put her down on a king size bed. "Sleep," he said tucking her into bed. she nodded. He smiled and leaned closer. He placed a kiss on her forehead and watched her sleep. Aqua had tears in her eyes. She was hurt. Her heart ached. She could not tell anyone what it feels like to feel helpless and commit things she hates the most to do. Attacking, killing, threatening. She was not herself at all. "Sleep," he whispered and stroked her hair. Huo then left the room. Someone had come to visit him.