The Clue (flashback)

"There are no secret in the world," people say. But some exist. And they make sure they never leak it. They sign deals and make oaths to make sure the one who leaks will face a terrible death. The secret that has to kept. The secret people don't spread early. The secret that makes people tremble. The secrets that are worth keeping. Aqua was in search of such a dangerous secret. A secret that always surrounded her but never knew about.

"My pa cannot say anything to you people, neither can I," Prince Leo of Human Realm visited Huo'er in the guest house.

"What do you mean?" Huo'er asked.

"Pa and I have taken an oath, that is all I can tell you," Leo smiled wide.

"With?" Huo'er tried asking.

"Besides The Demon Realm must not get involved in this," Leo said.

"You know everything and you are still pointing it out," Huo'er smirked.

"Your personal life and political life can no longer be separated you highness," Prince Leo pointed out, you will feel this is normal for you take care of your woman and her family, but the more you get involved the more you will offend people and put your Realm in danger. If the higher ups find out what you four are upto, you will be.."

"No one can do shit to us, you should know that, you want to see how we can wipe out this planet, we can show you that too, but we choose not to, in everything. We don't need your teaching and lesson, we need the Intel, we have got to save innocent people from the evil morno disguised as human and Angels," Said King Huo every strongly. Prince Leo smiled and looked away. "None of you understand what is happening," He carefully picked the words.

"So something is going in, thanks," Huo'er said. He moved but Leo stopped him. He handed a paper. Huo'er looked at it. And back at Leo.

"This.." Huo'er was not sure what to say. "Thank you," he added.

"Aqua will know," Leo said and walked out if the house.

Huo'er held the scroll of paper in his hands and took a deep breath. No he did not open them. He did not wish to. He walked back into Aqua's room. She was still asleep. She looked peaceful on the outside. Huo'er sat next to her. And in few minutes Aqua woke up.

"You are up," Huo'er asked.

"Hmm.." Aqua nodded and sat up.

"How are you feeling?" hekeot looking at her.

"Much better," she smiled. "How long was I off?"

"Couple of hours," he said. It's been 6 hours. And the night has fallen outside.

"Oh shit," she got out of the bed.

"What is it?"

"I forgot," she said and panicked. And then she noticed something lying on the bedside table. "What's that?" she asked. Huo'er got up and walked towards the table. He picked the scroll of paper and handed her.

"Take a look," he said. Aqua accepted them and opened them. Her eyes grew wide. She looked back at Huo.

"This is..." she began.