Cyclops (Flashback)

Aqua rushed back with her team to Water Realm from Earth. She ran into her father's study. She ransacked the dusty shelves. "Where is it? Where is it? It has to be here," she searched everywhere. The others frantically searched along with her. She used her powers to search the map her father kept hidden. She vaguely remembered seeing a map she saw once at a table. When she looked at them, her father took it away and hid them. She had never seen it afterwards. She found nothing. It was not there in the room. She walked out.

"What next? Demon King asked her.

"The library," Aqua answered. "Whole three floors, Milan take Aiden and search the top, Huo look at the rest of the place, I will looks the restricted sections, the magic spells are strong there, it will send people from other clan to an invisible prison somewhere in the dungeons under the sea. Don't come with me,"

But when she walked in. She saw some one standing in the dark. Aqua bravely walked forward. She saw an old man. "Shifu," she called him. Huo'er heard it and rushed to her side.

"There was book that was burning on the floor," Aqua looked at it and back at Shifu Bo Hai. "You..." she got angry. She found the truth. She began to attack him.

"Aqua wait are you doing?" Huo'er tried to stop her. "Shifu, stop," Huo said.

"It's not shifu," Aqua said. By then Milan and Aiden rushed to their side. When the truth was exposed, the four fought against one. When the disguise dissolved, they saw a young boy. "Oww oww, it hurts," he said when Huo locked him. It was a cyclops. An aquatic creature.

"Who are you?" Aqua asked lowering down.

"Please let me go," he begged. "I will do whatever you want,"

"Why did you destroy the books?"

"Because you are not supposed to know about it,"

"And why?" Aqua asked raising her voice.

"I... I.. I can help," he said and shut his eyes.

"How?" Aqua.

"But in return you have to adopt me, as the citizen of Water Realm, and not send me back," He demanded. Aqua looked at others. No one looked sure about the request.

"All right," she said and took out her sword and took his blood and performed a ritual with her sword. "You will live under my commands, you are now a member of Water Realm," Aqau said. A blind bargain it was for the Intel he had.

"Thank you, I will take you with me to the place you are searching for," he promised. "But you alone, they don't entertain guests coming over," Huo lost it.

"What the..." He began.

"Huo wait," but Aqua stopped him. "I will come with you," said Aqua to the cyclops. The stood up and left the palace. Huo grew afraid. He pulled Aqua and kissed her suddenly. She looked at him. It was his idea of placing a tracking bug inside her body. "You will need it," he said and watched her disappear with the boy. The place as expected boy took her to was the ocean. They floated above the ocean, above the storm eye.

"This is how we get in," cylcopes told her.

"You know I can shatter you into pieces right?" Aqua threatened him.

"I'm the memeber of Water Realm, I will protect you with everything, but this, trust me, this is the entrance to the..." Aqua looked at him, waiting for him to say it.