Found (flashback)

Aqua found them. She found her family, looking well, safe, and waiting for her. She found them, crossing all the limits and losing herself. But she was happy and glad.

"Ma, Pa," she ran towards them. She hugged them both. She teared up.

"I'm so proud of you," said King Aenon. To her it felt unreal. But it was the truth. The middle aged rich man smiled and led the family to their rooms.

"I will come later," said he and left. He gave them privacy.

Aqua and her family settled down. Her uncle and aunt were also there.

"Your mother and father always waited for news everyday," aunt said and smiled.

"News?" Aqua looked at her father. "What news?"

King Aenon laughed and touched Aqua's hands.

"How did all this happen? What is going on?" she asked.

"Everything was to stall for time and save ourselves from Tai," mother, Queen Rivera said to Aqua.

"He accused us of crimes we never did," King Aenon began. "We definitely could not die just like that, I talked King Zidan about it, then I broke the secret I knew for all the years to him. Together we came here, to King Dylan," Aqua sat listening carefully.

"King Dylan?" Aqua asked.

"The man you just met, the King of Under Water Realm," Aenon continued. "We planned to come here, faked our death and made sure that Tai would dispose our bodies at storm eye. His hatred was that high, all the plans worked out, but except the stars. We worried if he would find us, but instead you did," Aqua was shocked. "We used wooden figurines instead of Milan and Aiden and sent them away. I had set people to find and follow you three," Aenon smiled.

"So you know about our actions every day,"

"Yes we did, how can we just live here while letting our children struggle under Tai?" mother asked. Aqua smirked.

"You really scared him Aqua, threatening him with the throne, but did you have to say it? Yiu have worsened his situation, whether you want the throne or not," Aenon said.

"That's what I want, make him lose his mind, and he should ruin himself. Then take his life," suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Aenon said.

A pretty mermaid it was. She came in. Aqua looked at her father. Her father coughed and pretended to drink water hinting Aqua about most important thing. Aqua nodded and welcomed the mermaid.

"Thank you so much for taking care of my family in the past weeks," said Aqua. The two got along easily. They spent time together the next few days Aqua stayed at Under Water Realm.

"I decided to get close to the most scheming person like Dylan not to stay safe, but find certain truths," Aqau recalled her words while she stood with Mermaid Ariana in the pavilion away from the palace.

"Ariana, have you been married?" Aqua asked suddenly.

"What?" Ariana looked surprised. "No. Why?" she lied.

"I heard people calling you a widow," Aqua said. Ariana flushed red.

"Let's not discuss about personal matters," Ariana said.

"Okay," Aqua agreed but she used her ceysalts and unexpected tackled Ariana to which Ariana could not fight back. Aqua entered Ariana body using the Crystals. Ariana's comscious struggled to kick Aqua out.