A Phoenix Was Born Again(flashback)

A memory of lost love filled the heart and soul of Ariana. The aching memories.

"Arghh," Ariana shouted. She collided with someone who was caught on fire but she opened her eyes, it was a mere human. And he fell into water.

"Damn it," he cursed and stayed afloat. She helped him. She extended her arms in fear to pull him out of the water. He was tired and weak.

"Thanks,' he said, standing with her on the shore.

"You are...." Ariana doubted his identity.

"Yeah you are right," he chuckled. "The only Phoenix secretly alive and living," he introduced himself to her. "You can call me Feng," Ariana instantly took an interest in him.

"Ariana, I'm a mermaid," she said back. But he understood what her kind is from the very look of her. The beguiling beauty only a mermaid would have. Her red hair was proof for it.

"Don't tell anyone you ran into me," he asked for the favour.

"I won't, you can trust me," Ariana promised.