What happened to the Phoenix? (flashback)

(Behind the scene when Ariana was unconscious and when the funeral was prepared)

King Dylan took care of the baby the next few days. The under water Realm mourned the death of Prince Feng for a year. But the first few weeks it was hard. Everyone was upset that they lost the most lively person to fate. Hatred on heaven and heavenly Emperor only increased in the heart of the people. If Tai never interfered, Phoenix family would not have perished from the universe.

"We will avenge the death of Prince," that is what all people living in the under water Realm had to say. Ariana was in deep sleep. Put into a deep sleep by King Dylan, while he fooled that the shock on the death of her beloved husband has turned her heart and put her in coma.

"She is sick, but she will get better soon, but.." one day King Dylan introduced the matter of the child born.

"But what is it your highness?" asked the ministers in his court.