Buried in her heart (Flashback)

When Lu Han opened his, a bright light hit him. He stood up and panicked.

"Relax, relax," Aqua consoled him, holding him, asking him to sit down. Lu Han shut his eyes tight. "It's okay, it's okay," she said. "Open slowly. Slowly," she tried encouraging him. Lu Han tried like she said. He opened slowly and managed to find a blurry vision at first. The light tickled his eyes that he had tears filling in the eyes. Aqua wiped them and smiled, sitting opposite him, waiting patiently for him to see the world. Lu Han then focussed. He saw a beautiful woman sitting before him, smiling T him. She looked warm just like her voice and kind. 

"Can you see now?" Aqua asked him. 

Lu Han nodded. "Yes," he said. He smiled. He began to get excited. "I can see," he said.

"Good," she patted him. "Now remember the promise okay. Never lose this bracelet. Wear it all the time," she instructed again. And Aqua got up.