Flashback Ending

"Ma, Pa, we don't have time, we have to leave," Aqua urged her parents. 

"What happened? Did you find anything?" King Aenon asked his daughter who went out for search after hurting Ariana. At the right time, Ariana also walked into the room. 

"Did you find anything?" She asked Aqua. 

Everyone looked at each other. Aqua's heart pounded but she kept things under control. 

"No," she said without hesitation. "I could not find anything, there were no trace," she said. She had sealed Lu Han successfully with her powers and that no one would be able to find him, not even her. 

"Are you sure?" Ariana asked. King Aenon's felt disappointed. He shook his head. He had no further plans either. He had to find ways to overcome Emperor Tai without the heir to throne now. 

"Very sure, your child... I could not find him, nor any traces, I could not find any Phoenix traces, i don't think...."