
"Sorry Veronica I won't be having dinner tonight, " Fleur said and started walking upstairs. She was scared about the reaction she would get from Veronica.

"But I have already made them. Where have you been? Is there anything? Were you out with anyone?" Veronica attacked her with questions.

"I... Yes," Fleur said and walked back to the kitchen. "I went out with my friend, he came to my workplace and waited till I got out, then I walked with him for sometime, we had pizza, and then he sent me home," she said the story short. "Oh and wait I have to tell you this, I have invited two people home for our Christmas dinner," Fleur informed her. "I guess am allowed to," she was tensed. Veronica was surprised. She did not expect Fleur to know anything. Veronica grew curious.

"Who are these people? Didn't you keep distance with everyone? When did you meet people?" Veronica asked because of her growing concern. "Are you into something?"