
Every thing that happens in our life will have a reason, so do every people we meet. The paths taken produces meaning and so does the choice. Every past has a meaning so will the present that will shape the future. 

Luhan was content with life. He began to see things differently. He began to see this clearly. Luhan tried to understand people, identify people he meets, and keep distance. But this time, something felt off but he did not care. The girl he has met began to do something to him. She looked pretty but she was funny and stupid at time. She was making him smile often. But he could not hold that happiness long every time he thinks of other things. 

"Is it true? Are you sure about this? Haru kept irritating Luhan ever since he informed about being invited over at Fleur's place for Christmas dinner. Luhan almost wished he did not tell Haru about the dinner. "Amazing I can't believe she remembered to invite me over," Haru kept saying it again and again.