Plan Success

"Arya, thank God you came," Fleur rushed over to get Arya and made her sit next to Luhan.

"She was worried for no reason," Luhan told Arya. "Look," Fleur gave a weary smile and sat silently sipping on her green apple soda. Arya took a slice of pizza and asked Fleur for extra. Fleur walked up took the orders of people and delivered then before she settled down again. Arya was engaged in conversation with Luhan who sat there listening to her rants. She was going on and on about Alex and how thankful she is to the boys.

"You should thank Fleur for all this, it was her idea initially and we just joined forces with her," he said smiling looking at Fleur who was working.

"I know but still," she said.

"Is everything alright? Fleur isn't her usual self today, she looks tired, worn out and pretty upset, why?" he tried to clear his doubts.