Luhan trying

Luhan went to hostel with Haru and waited until he fell asleep. Luhan tried practicing the spells, learning the movements first. But something was wrong that he was not able to perform at all. 

"What the..?" He threw the book away and laid awake on the bed. His mind was not calm. Why why why. He could not understand why. 

He slowly drifted off to sleep. It was already three in the morning. 



Haru hurried in the morning very early. Unusual and rare of the rarest moment. 

"What's up? Such a hurry," Luhan asked.

"If I go early, I can get off early," said Haru aa he set his hair and put on his best outfit.

"Why?" Luhan wanted to know. He had forgotten about the date.

"I have to pick Fleur early. Or the museum will close after seven," Haru said. "I plan to get off by 3 today," Haru grabbed his bag from the bed and looked at Luhan who stood wearing only his jean.