Volca and Fleur

"Who are you?" The lady asked Fleur before she entered the house. She froze. She remained still. The demonic aura was getting stronger and stronger. It got close to her. It entered her aura. She turned around, preparing for the worst. A person from her home, but yet a person she has never met before. She could not think of anything good that could come out of this encounter. "Oh dragon lord give me the strength," she thought and looked at the person. Fleur was shocked. 

"What? Aunt Veronica?" 

Veronica looked determined and ready to fight. 

"Who are you?" She asked again. 

"It is me. Fleur. Who else?" Fleur answered back funnily, and shrugged. Veronica moved forward. She raised her arms created a larged barrier that took them away to an empty ground.