Silent Night

"Where did you go?" Haru asked Fleur, calling her. 

"I felt sick suddenly," Fleur lied. "I did not wish to stay so.

"Oh! Hmm.. okay," Haru said. "Where are you now?" 

"I'm home, I came home, I'm sitting in the terrace," she said. 

"It is freezing cold, why are you sitting outside," he questioned.

"It is nice to look at the sky," Fleur said.

"Then come down," Haru said suddenly. 

"What?" Fleur was shocked. 

"We will sit on the bench and look at the sky together," he said to her.

Fleur got up and looked down. He really was standing in front of the house looking up at Fleur. Haru was being such a romantic. He asked her to go down. Fleur smiled and went down. She looked to see if Luhan is with them. 

"He is not here, he left with his family, I came alone," he said to her.