Haru's Questions

Luhan tended to Jiamu. The wounds were deep. As Luhan keep seeing it whenever he cleaned them, his anger doubled. Both Hai visited them. They were still at the cottage. Haru was still with them. He slept late and woke up late in the afternoon. Luhan took that chance to clean up the mess. But he did not know to erase the memories so he waited.

"You saw how dangerous Volca is did you not? You witnessed how dangerous Arya is did you not?" Asked Bo Hai, adding fuel to fire. "They are that evil and strong, you have to grow stronger, it is necessary. See.."

"But Arya is not a Demoness as you claim she is," Luhan said back. "And..." he suddenly stopped. 'No maybe I am wrong, let us not involve Fleur into this,' he decided and stopped speaking.

"What?" Bo Hai asked, waiting for Luhan to speak.