Haru learning the truth

Shiyun, Fleur, and Arnika stood together away from their seats, preparing to face anything. The presence outside the door was not that of a mortal. 

"You girls stay here," Shiyun said and apparated to the room girls stay, opposite his. Shiyun looked at the man standing holding the bags. He opened the door after checking for a minute. The man was wearing a uniform the hotel provides. He had the auro similar to Arnika. 

"What brings you here?" Shiyun asked walking towards him. 

"The food sir," the middle aged man said.

"I am going into that room, leave it with me," Shiyun said and took the bags. He found nothing alarming and saw no danger. 

"Cool," the man handed the paper bags. 

"How long have you been living here on earth?" Shiyun asked and looked at him.

"Sorry?" The man did not understand, or let's say he pretended to not understand what Shiyun asked him.