Telling Volca The Truth

"I'm fine, and I'm staying with Shiyun and Arnika now. I'm staying in a hotel now, pretty comfortable, but I want to move. We are looking for a house close by to work, so commuting would be easy," Fleur finished telling him. "Aigooo, look at you. Why are you worrying?" Fleur pinched his cheek again.

"Oww oww owww..." he made the painful sound and held on to her hands, taking them away. 

"House?" He said as he got up. "Do you want me to help you? I can look for a house, I know many since the university is close by, there are lots of houses. I will help you," he offered his help.

"Nah, Nah, that is fine. Shiyun is looking for it," Fleur said.

"Him? He is going to live with you?" Haru did not like that.

"Arnika too. Why?" She asked back.

"Ani. Aniya.." he said. "Nothing, I was just thinking," Haru looked at her.

"Thinking about what?" Fleur asked.