Fleur shouted without thinking twice

"I have asked Volca the favour, let us see how it turns out," Shiyun said to Fleur when he got her alone before dinner. 

"Good, but I'm worried too. Ice King is a difficult man, see how he made things for Volca to see if she can handle pressure, I hope uncle Lixue will protect her," said Fleur and they settled down. Arnika and Volca returned back from the washroom. The food was served. 

"Arya and Lixue went out, she wanted to spend time and get to know her father well," Volca said.

They had a good conversation about Fleur and her family. Fleur told Volca about how Kig and Queen are doing and also about her brother. Arnika sat listening to everything. She had never had a family ang listening to it made her feel warm. 

Fleur's phone kept ringing. She answered them. It was Haru.

"What is it?" Fleur asked.

"Could you come to the university hospital?" He requested.