Bo Hai and Lixue

Lixue and Arya walked around. Arya remained silent most times. She still had difficulty accepting the reality. "Why did you like mom?" she asked out of the blue. Lixue looked at his daughter.

"Because your mother is a survivor, who has a strong will to live well, to overcome the past create a better future, not everyone have that quality," Lixue spoke highly of his wife.

"But she is a demoness," said Arya.

"She might be a demoness, but she has not lived like that for years," Lixue cleared. "But," He looked at Arya. "You are not a demoness, but you behave like one," he said.

"Me? how?" Arya asked.

"Look at yourself, you are doubting your mother and her love for you. You are judging her based on her birth, but forgetting the fact that she loves you and is still taking care of you, forgetting that she protected you at all cost and you still turned your back against her," Lixue tried to his daughter.