The Reunion

Ariana was given immediate treatment. Her wounds were cleaned and her energy was stabilized. Fleur let her maids help Ariana change and clean her up. She waited outside the chambers. Luhan was also waiting. Fleur watched him. 

"Shen Feng," Fleur called him. Bht Luhan did not turn around. It had not registered in his mind yet what his real name is. "Shen Feng," she called him again. And he finally turned around. 

"Were you calling me?" Luhan asked. Fleur sighed.

"Is there anyone here now?" She asked back.

"I have no interest in dealing with your anger issues. Leave me alone," said Luhan and tried ignoring her while he was feeling terrible inside. Fleur took his hand out of the blue and placed a pouch in his hand. Luhan looked at her. "What is this?" He asked her.