
"You father was noble but a risk taker," Luhan was told everything about Feng. "He knew well about life, the Realms, and always went against them. Only if he had not stayed under water, he could have made it for a little longer," Ariana said. "He made the hardest decisions in life. Knowing about the situation and still remaining hopeful. He was good at it though it ached him. His greatest wish was to see you, and he held up until then. He went against every one to win his choices," Ariana said. 

"He won you too," Luhan smiled. "Land or sea, it was always danger. Always threatened. Never lived a peaceful day," Luhan was not surprised. "In that way Aqua protected you well, but for a short period I guess," Ariana said. 

"I was safe until Bo Hai showed up. There were no much agendas and plans until then, until Jiamu was brainwashed things were simple. I was happy," Luhan explained. 

"Is that when you met her?" Ariana asked. Luhan nodded.