Towards fate

"Enough, enough," Luhan said to minister and he took Fleur's hand. He dragged her out who was about to burst with anger. 

"The lecture is not done. You two must sit down now and listen to me," said the minister.

"You old...." Fleur began but Luhan quickly shut Fleur's mouth and took her towards the famous lotus pond. 

"Leave me," she struggled and but him hand. But he endured and did not let her go until they reached a spot they were alone. He withdrew his hands and rubbed where she bit him. 

"You sure have sharp teeth. You almost tore my skin," he said analysing his palm. "You should not behave like that to a minsiter. He is going to serve us in future," Luhan spoke softly. 

"He was mad. Demonstrating how to.. how to.." she skipped and kept rising. "It that man crazy?" 

"These are just the way things are followed in the palace," he said.