The Engagement Between Dragon and Phoenix

"Wake up Fleur," said Aqua. The maids failed in waking the princess early in the morning. "Wake up you," Aqua began to lose patience. "What the hell are you doing?" Aqua could not understand. She did not know that Fleur stayed up all night worrying about the engagement and slept ony couple of hours before dawn. 

"I'm tired. Let me sleep," Fleur mumbled.

"It is getting late. Wake up and begin getting ready for the engagement ceremony. What tantrums are you showing now?" Asked 

Kai walked in holding a jug of iced water. 

"I know how to wake her," he said. Kai took a deep breath and threw the water on Fleur's face making her jump up from the bed. 

"Arghhh," Fleur screamed. Aqua simply stood watching her kids making a mess and fooling around. Fleur began to run around Kai to tangle him like they used to when they were young, pulling each other's legs.