
"Congratulations to Princess Fleur and Prince Shen Feng," Priest announced and everyone down the stage rose to their feet. Everyone began to applaud. Fleur stood still with heads held high. She had a faint smile. And that time, suddenly Luhan moved towards her. He took her in his arms. 

"WHAT THE?" Fleur was stunned. "Put me down," she struggled. But what Luhan told her silenced her.

"If you are putting on a show put on a good one with me and entertain people well," he said. Fleur stopped and looked away. The audience looked shocked including her parents and some were giggling and smiling too. "See," he said. Fleur looked back at him. Her hands were wrapped around his neck, holding on tight. And she had no idea how he effortlessly lifted her with all this heavy gown and robes they were wearing. 

Luhan put her down in front of the chair set for them before a long table full of fruits and food. 

"Sit," he said.