Level 1 Beast in the border

Kai and Luhan who could not feed the horses seeing the disturbed made them wonder what is going on outside the stable. The sky was turning blue. The night was fast approaching but there was a wind. 

"What is going on?" Kai asked his brother in law. 

"I have no idea," Luhan shrugged and placed back all the hays. Kai stepped out and Luhan followed. They could heard some screaming and shouting coming from the direction Fleur and Haru were staying. 

"Oh sh*t," Luhan cursed and ran quickly. Kai is ran behind. They heard a beast making sounds and screaming. 

"What the hell is this?" Asked Luhan. 

"This beast consumes humans, that is all I know. As it eats, it grows bigger. It must have eaten all the villagers," Kai told Luhan.

"What the !!" Luhan could not believe it. "Ok let us go," he said and moved closer. "Wait, is that Fleur?" He saw Fleur and Haru falling on their sides. "Fleur," he shouted.