Men are jealous

"I'm sorry, pretend I did not see anything," Kai said and immediately walked out of the hut. He did not wish to disturb the couples he imagined as the love birds. He had no idea that his sister had a romantic bone in her body. He giggled and waited for Haru.

Luhan was still holding on to Fleur who could say nothing to her brother who misunderstood the situation. She sighed and turned around when Luhan softly pulled her hand. 

"Fleur," he wanted to say something but he was too tired. 

"What?" She asked him and say next to him. Fleur touched Luhan's forehead and felt the temperature rising again. "Damn it. What is wrong with you?" She asked. Luhan slowly shook his head and closed his eyes. 

Fleur took an earthen pot she could find in the kitchen and filled it with some cool water. 

"It's going to feel cold. Bear with me," she said to him and dipped the cotton in cold water and touched his forehead with him.