Dream and Reality

Aqua and Huo tried questioning Raven Prince again and again. But they failed to get further information about Bo Hai involvement. Without proof they had no chance of making a plan to capture Bo Hai. 

Raven Prince was arrogant since he was so sure Huo and Aqua would never hurt him like the real demons would. 

"What do you want ?" Huo asked him.

"A real demon on the throne," Raven prince replied. 

"A real Demon, let me show you what real demons behave like then," he said and smirked. Huo then took out a hot and melting rod. Raven Prince got shocked. But tried to keep his cool.

Huo walked closer. "Which part?" Huo asked for suggestions. "Tongue? Fingers? Feet? Or...." Huo eyes below his abdomen. 

Raven Prince began to struggle but the chains were too strong and had spells. "Leave me, leave me alone," Raven Prince shouted.