From the beginning like the first time

The sun was shining bright. It was spring. The fragrance of the flowers were everywhere. "Fleur, we are late, we have to go to the class now," Fleur could hear Yara and Liya shouting from below. Fleur smiled and opened her eyes. She looked down the rock. Under the tree stood her personal maids who are her best friends. 

"Which class is this?" Fleur asked them.

"Royal Etiquette class," 

"I hate that one, why do we not skip it? Say we lost our way?" Fleur suggested. 

"You can't come up with such silly idea, please Princess, come down," They kept saying. 

"All right," Fleur came down. She looked around here. The unlimited meadow, the flowers, the dew drops on the leaves, the trees, the grassland, it looked fresh and breathtaking. Fleur took a deep breath. And she walked away with her Liya and Yara. They took her to the school compound and pushed her in. 

"Princess don't sneak out until the lessons are over," she was told.