
"You cannot go back on your words," Emperor Aenon warned the Phoenix. 

"I will not," Luhan have his world. "You can start with the preparations."

"But Fleur is not well, she has not waken up yet. We will when she does," Aenon chuckled. "No need to hurry, she will not go anywhere," Aenon teased Luhan. Aqua slammed the door loudly and away. That very day, Huo and Aqua set out with their kids back to Demon Realm. Haru joined them instead of staying with Emperor Aenon. Emperor travelled to Water Realm to go visit his wife and second daughter. 

"I'm disappointed in you," that us what Empress Rivera said the first thing they met after days. "You have hurt my children," she said. Aenon said nothing. 

"We must begin the arrangements for the wedding soon," Emperor said. 

"Why?" Empress asked. 

"Luhan does not want to postpone it not k their stars allow separation," Emperor Aenon said.