Woke up

Fleur took more than a month to heal. She did not wake up until then. "Fleur can you hear me?" She heard her mother's voice when she regained her consciousness. She could feel her body again. She could feel her senses coming back. She could hear and she fiy could open her eyes and see. Fleur opened her eyes. It was too bright the light was that it hurt her eyes. Fleur immediately shut it as she opened it. 

"Close those windows, put the curtains," Aqua instructed Liya. Yara brought in the some warm water for Fleur to drink. Kai and Huo walked in immediately.

"Is she awake?" Huo enquired. Aqua nodded. 

Fleur opened her eyes again slowly. 

"Omma," she hardly said it out with her voice breaking in the middle. 

"My dear girl," Aqua smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead. Fleur smiled feeling the warmth. "Yes yes I'm here. Tell me," Aqua sat next to her daughter on her bed. 

"Luhan," that is what she asked first. "Is Luhan okay?"