Series of heart breaks

Ice God Lixue and Volca did not attend the wedding for their family's sake. Volca missed it a lot, but she wanted to be with her daughter. Arya was not doing well. Ever since the engagement took place, Arya began to isolate herself and stopped talking to people. Lixue was concerned. He had a huge fight with his father, King Fuyuto for damaging his daughter putting wrong ideas in her head. King Fuyuto never expected that. But he was filled with regrets for doing this to his own grand daughter. She was experiencing heart break and love sickness at an age she should be walking around and learning things. 

"I will never forget what you have done to my family father," this was what Lixue told his father and stormed out of the palace. He never visited his father again. He, and Volca always stayed close to Arya, trying to cheer her. They tried creating a world where no one discuss about things happening in heaven. 

"May be we should really leave heaven," Lixue suggested.