Kai search, Hera's curse

Kai was troubled. He desperately wanted to find the lady. He only knows she is from the Wind Realm. Not a princess, but the daughter of a high official. 

"I will come back soon, let me go find her. If ma or pa ask for me, tell them I went with Shiyun uncle to deal with something with him," Kai asked Fleur to lie. The wedding ceremonies were successfully over except the consummation. 

Kai set out on his own. It was his first time. His very own journey. Fleur supplied him with required maps weapons, and food before he set out on his horse. Fleur let him use everything. Luhan caught Fleur sending him off.

"Where is going?" Luhan asked.

"Hmm? Oh yes, he has something urgent to do, going to meet shifu," Fleur lied. 

"Guess you can never be honest with me," Luhan said and smirked.

"I did not..." Fleur was lost. She did not mean to hide it from him but since Kai wanted to be told, she had no choice. 

"Does ma and pa know?" He asked.