Fleur's attempts

After returning from Demon Realm, Fleur and Luhan sat in the room silently since they did not have other choice. Luhan sat reading books. Fleur did not know whether she should start a conversation or not.

'What if he is angry at me? Maybe I should try talking to him,' Fleur thought. She got up. She stopped walking then. 'Maybe I should give him something and try talking,' she thought and she walked out of her bedroom quickly. She hurried to the kitchen and asked the chef to help her get the ingredients to make a milk sweet and a spicy snack. The work began. She made something like milk peda and a spicy meat roll. It took her two hours but she was excited. She carried them with her and walked back to her chamber. Luhan was still reading. He saw her and did not mind her. Fleur took a deep breath and walked towards him. She set the table before him and placed the food. 

"I made some snack, try it," she said with a smile. He ignored her. "Try," she said again.