Guide-sama: "You are right but …"

"Then, it's cool."

Guide-sama: "That's not exactly why you're here." Yanarym just smiled and left Guide-sama's word as a rubix cube that she doesn't want to solve.

"Why aren't you eating?" Yanarym asked him crookedly when she saw that he had not yet moved his food to his plate. Alvan stared at her, seeing that she was having a hard time cutting the steak, he took his knife and fork and cut the steak swiftly, and exchanged plates with her. "Oh, ahm, thank you."

"You're welcome," he smiled at her. "I remember I'm on a diet, so I'm not gonna eat, I'll just watch you."

"Diet? You fed me while you were on a diet?" Yanarym took a bite from her cube steaks, it was well done and it's good.

"You're thin, you need to eat, we have a lot of schedules tomorrow. Today was the first day of The Sunset taping after all." He muttered, Yanarym did not agree but chose to take it as that. "Would you like some wine?"

"Instead of wine, what if we talk about the reason why I am here?"

"Alright, I'll get some wine first," deciding to be oblivious Alvan stood avoiding to talk about the matter. Yanarym looked at the food on the young man's plate and sighed.

On the balcony, there was a horizontal sofa chair that could be a bed to watch the sky and the stars were visible in the view, where she assumed that the main reason was the height of the building. Alvan's condominium was so high that she felt like she's reaching for the clouds. She ate fast, she finished her plate before Alvan could come back. With curiosity, she moved her location from the table to the sofa chair and stood beside it. She looked up and was astonished to see the stars twinkling.

Living in the city, it's rare to see the stars at night. Moments like this make her appreciate the beauty of life but most of the time she doesn't get why they still lived to die.

Out of the blue, Yanarym remembered that there was a scene in the book she read where Alvan took Alyana to the balcony, at this very spot and had sweet moments between the two of them together. It was innocent and lovely, Alvan serenaded Alyana. Alyana even said that the young man was the brightest star she ever saw, no amount of stars in the sky could match him. Naturally, the darkest star is Alyx, he always works in the shadows to help Alyana attain her dream.

The story's theme isn't particularly smut; it merely got smeared when Yanarym decided to touch both the male lead characters.

It was a huge blunder---a colossal mistake. Yanarym loves to read intriguing plots, but it is still a different story when she becomes entangled in a tumultuous and convoluted plot herself. She's a slob who would rather sit back and watch than participate. She avoids complicated situations and will not budge an inch if it is not absolutely necessary.

"What are you thinking?" She felt Alvan's arm wrapping her waist and shoulders, she could feel his wide and stony body behind her and the heat of his breath on her cheek. Yanarym did not move and remained looking up at the sky as Alvan stared at her face from behind upon embracing her.

"I heard something from people on the set earlier." She mumbled to her breath. Alvan rested his chin on her shoulders and whiffed the scent of her hair and hummed as if he was asking what she heard. "They said, you're the brightest star of all. I just wondered how they could have said that if you weren't shining."

"Is that a joke?" He chuckled after hearing her statement. "You know it's just a metaphor."

"Hmm, but you know, of all the people I've met in this world, you're the quickest one to get angry. You're like a blue star, always hot." Alvan had no notion what stars, galaxies, or astronomy were, so he couldn't respond. Why would he seek for something else to think about when the woman in his arms had already overwhelmed his brain and heart with concerns?

"I put the wine on the table, you can have my steak and pasta if you're still hungry." He proposed as he squeezed her body. She's as skinny as bamboo, but luckily her bust and bum provide her some shape.

"Can we sit here later? I want to watch the stars." She swung her arms to his nape once she turned to face him. Alvan was stunned, he wasn't anticipating her to be dainty on him as well. She might have been flirty with him on the phone last time, physical intimacy was the least he was expecting from her.

What does he know? She even asked him to have sex with her the first time of their meeting? Her docile appearance contradicted her fiery attitude.

"Let's go, you should finish your meal." Alvan couldn't handle her; his cheeks were burning as they stared at each other. He even forgot that he was so mad at her for this very reason. She would treat him like this--- but they weren't anything.

It's just that, maybe he likes her too much, that he could not keep his composure. It's not the same if she's the one who makes the first move. He pulled her back to their dining table and the steak was already cut up to pieces and placed at her front. He escorted her to sit down and poured her a glass of wine.

With her clear eyes, the young woman gazed at him with admiration. He took a deep breath and averted his gaze, and returned his gaze to her, with an earnest emotion in his eyes.

Alvan waited for her to complete her dinner before leading her to the sofa on the balcony, in which they would gaze at the sky full of stars.