They sat next to each other, Yanarym was looking up while Alvan was staring at her.

"You should know that I like you ---I really like you, not just your body because if not, why would I do these things just to please you?" He caressed her hand and she shifted her attention on him.

"Alvan, it is not what you think it is." Yanarym took a deep breath and removed the young man's hand from hers. "The only connection we had was that time in your dressing room. You see, I was trying to seduce you to help me in my career but I realized that I shouldn't have done that, I admit that what I did was wrong that's why I tried to avoid you..."

"Rym, I don't care what your reasons and excuses are, I like you and that is the only thing that matters to me."

"But I don't feel the same way---"

"I said stop, don't say it." He weakly threatened her and pulled her closer to him. "Chance is all I ask."

"Alvan ---!" he suddenly silenced her with his lips.

"It's tasty ... I mean your lips are tasty." He gave her a vicious gaze as he peered at her lips. "It's still sweet like how I remembered it."

"Alvan..." He slowly approached her and touched her cheek. "I won't bite, just a kiss, okay?" If you listen to it, it looks like it's asking for permission but his lips are already brushing her lips.

He drew her in and carefully relished her lower lip before biting and nibbling it with his teeth. He knew it had a wound so he didn't want to be violent in kissing her. But as time went on, he was not content to be complacent. As he lay awake at night, he yearned for her sweetness, warmth, and the opportunity to admire every inch of her body.

He tried to dissipate his lust for her by having sex with other women, even took the virginity of some of them. He doesn't even like virgins, but he grew to hate those who were experienced as well, because they can't slake his lust. It only got worse, because he found out his sole desire is for her, Yanarym only.

He lifted her to place her on his lap. His left palm on the back of her head to bury her lips to his. He forced his tongue to enter and travel inside her mouth. While his free hand began to roam to the sensitive parts of her body. He could feel her weak resistance by pushing his chest away. He just let Yanarym fight but he had no intention of stopping what he was doing. Alvan pressed their foreheads together and let her recover her breath since they were both out of air. She peered at his eyes and she could see that it was darkened with lust.

"I want you, Rym. I want you right now." He whispered on her earlobe as he gradually laid her onto the slanted cushion bed.

"Alvan, calm down! A-ahm!" He bent down and kissed her again after opening her legs and wrapping them around his waist.

Guide-sama: "Yanarym, I know you want to have sex with him, why are you resisting?"

"Guide-sama, you don't understand. So, I will tell you a secret. If you resist, the other party will be rough and I want it rough! HAHAHAHA!"

Guide-sama: "Why do I feel like you sound really weird?"

As Yanarym told Guide-sama as time went on Alvan became more and more impatient and restrained her hands with one of his hands putting it on the top of her head.

"Stop struggling!"

"Stop kissing me! I thought we were going to talk ?! Is this how you talk ---" He didn't let her finish speaking. He momentarily let go of her hand and took off her shirt and jeans, it was not easy as she struggled so much. Fortunately he manages to undress her until she's only in her underwear. She didn't give him time to admire her body as she was about to break free from his suppression. He held her wrists and pinned it above her head again as he swiftly took off her bra.

"A-alvan, j-just a moment!"

"No! I have waited long enough, haven't I?" Yanarym bit her lips and looked at him with resolve. Alvan ignored her gaze, he tilted his head to her neck and sucked it and nipped it, his kisses went to her breasts and lavish them with no restriction.

Yanarym moaned as she felt the sting of pain mixed with undeniable pleasure zaps on her body as he pinched her nipples cruelly. Alvan gnawed her right bosom enough to make her whimper but he didn't leave her any bruise, despite losing his control over his body he was still keeping in mind not to leave any visible bite marks. He was trying so hard not to lose his sanity. He loosened his grip on her wrists feeling that she won't try to run away, and used his hand to remove her panty and insert a finger at her soaked hole.

"A-alv ... van." Yanarym finds it difficult to call him because she can no longer resist the lust that dominates her whole being. She glanced at him, who still couldn't stop squeezing her right breast and swallowing her left breast. She sighed and grasped his hair and pulled it whenever she felt a voltage of pleasure flowing through her body, he didn't complain and kept on romancing her bosom and flower which was releasing too much of nectar.

"L-lick m-my pussy too." Without complaint, the young man obeyed her order, he removed his hand from her secreting flower, quickly got up to take off his clothes and buried his face between her legs. He slurps the nectar coming out from her, licking from her hole to her little bead. She pulled his hair harshly as her body trembled with every stroke of his tongue at her drooling cunt.