Weeks later, Yanarym arrived late to the set of their new movie she was taping with Alvan for next year's screening. Two weeks from today, the general screening of their movie The Sunset will be released to the masses. It wasn't even out yet the media was going wild.

Her schedule for the next two months was already full, with the number of interviews, variety shows, and promotional shoots for the projects she had already signed. Most of the projects she's with Alvan, in fact almost all of them. They were stuck like glue to each other.

Yesterday morning, Kane visited her in her new condominium, Alyx gave it to her. Kane stayed until the afternoon if he wasn't needed at the hospital to cure an emergency patient he wouldn't leave. In the evening, while she was watching anime, Alyx came with ice cream and fries.

They were both sitting on the couch while she watched some cartoons. "I think I ate a lot, I have an important scene tomorrow, it requires me to wear revealing clothes too." She mumbled, Alyx beside her was busy on his tablet but his other hand was caressing her thigh.

"Revealing clothes?"

"Yes, I told the director that it would be perfect for the scene and ambiance-"

"I heard." Alyx returned his eyes to his tablet, Yanarym blinked her eyes and shrugged. "You like wearing beautiful clothes on set." He added and squeezed her inner thigh. "Too bad, sweetheart I think you gained weight." He smirked and put away his tablet to focus his attention on her.

"You deliberately did this." She frowned as she stared at the two gallons of ice cream she just finished. He chuckled and titled his head to savor her lips. "You're making me fat."

"I'm not, I'm giving you treats." He whispered to her, he grabbed her waist and made her sit on his lap. "Should we exercise for you to sweat?" He smiled as he gazed at her eyes.

"This is your plan from the very start?" She pouted, Alyx tightened his embrace on her body. "You're so sly."

"Will you punish me, sweetheart?" Yanarym raised a brow on him with a wide smile. She shook her head and pushed him to stand up, however, he only held her closer. "Where are you going?"

"I'm locking myself in my room because there's a beast out here." She said and laughed, "Let me go."

"What to do? The beast had already trapped you." Alyx unbuttoned his polo while he planted kisses on her slender neck. While his hand already entered on her shirt- softly molding her breast.

"Alyx, no, I need to rest- Kyah!" He yanked her to lay on the couch. Within seconds he stripped her naked, Alyx cupped her face and devoured her mouth. From there, she had no escape, he went on a foreplay until she lost herself in lust. He took the chance to get naked, when they were both undressed. He lifted her and carried her to go to the bedroom. Hours- Alyx was on it for hours he'd let her rest whenever she lost consciousness but would continue after an hour where he insisted on waking her up.

As soon as Alyx decided to leave, the sun was already up, when she thought she could finally sleep. Her manager came to fetch her an hour later. In the end, she wasn't able to rest at all.

The assistant director greeted them in hospitality, she was not scolded for being late for two hours. Perks of her fame and having a backer who is rich and known.

Yanarym didn't look for Alvan and went straight to her dressing room to get ready.

The assistant director also reminded her about the scene that they will do today, she nodded without complaint.

After getting dressed, she was on standby so she was able to close her eyes again even for a moment. Few minutes of napping, someone called her for her scene. When she came out she saw the female lead laughing with the other cast.

She was expecting to see Alyana on set, Guide-sama told it to her. About Alyana taking advantage of Alvan regarding that photo, she was aware of it too. Yanarym couldn't help but sigh as she stared at the female protagonist.

Why does she have to mess up with the brothers? Somehow, she could foresee that Alyana will have a tragic life in this version of the story. But in the original version, she had a happy ending. In Yanarym's mind she cheered up Alyana, Alyana seemed to sense someone was staring at her, she wandered her eyes then saw Yanarym gazing at her.

Yanarym smiled at her but Alyana just rolled her in annoyance at Yanarym. She knew that Alyana had a grudge against her but she's not even willing to hide it. She shook her head in disappointment, couldn't believe how she liked the character of Alyana from this book and was not the kind of person she thought. It feels like she was scammed by the book. She takes back her silent support for Alyana. She just walked out to do her scene.

The storyline of this next movie was not that thrilling, it was mainly about the four people. She and Alvan as the main character, Alyana, and another popular actor but not as popular as Alvan.

Although Alyx lets her join the crew for this movie, the two brothers were not willing to be manipulated by Alyana's schemes. That's why she cheered for her earlier because this was all temporary. What could she say, poor Alyana?

It was still fascinating to witness Alvan and Alyx working together in harmony, to bring down the woman they loved, not her, but Alyana. They were crazy about Alyana, you know, Alyx would even kill for her, yet they were so eager to destroy her now. Whenever Yanarym thinks about it, she can't help but feel the chills creeping into her skin.