Above the photo has a caption of, 'with Alvan Villalias --- Feeding the kiddo in the diet. #DietCrasher #TakoyakiLover'

On the comment box, Alyana didn't see a single negative comment, only support for the young woman and the young man.

Alyana clicked on Alvan's name and it immediately showed to the young man's social media account where the only photos posted were Yanarym's, the latest was, she's eating takoyaki and shaved ice cream. Even his bio already displays Y's Property.

She smiled in vexation. Is this the reason why Yanarym doesn't confirm her relationship with Alvan? Because she also has a relationship with Alyx? Did the brothers know that the same woman was playing with them?

She clenched her fist and stared at the image of Yanarym smiling on the screen. Her nails almost sank into her skin.

Compared to Yanarym, her life was very different. Why does she have to be with old and smelly men who already have wives and children? And Yanarym was playing happily with two well-known, young, and rich men?

Even the glory, honor, and stardom, all of it, Yanarym had it all! She shouldn't be here, she should be there in the place where Yanarym was. She should not be wretched, she was meant to be happy!

The happiest and luckiest woman alive! The luxury and living queen!

She debated in her mind before going to the message box and uploaded the picture of Yanarym and Alyx kissing each other and then sent it to Alvan.

She waited for several hours for his reply but nothing came. She just decided to message him again and give him her number to call her if he wants to see other photos of the same day.

She decided since Producer Joey was another failed victim. Alvan will be the next target.

If Alvan finds out about Yanarym and Alyx's relationship, assuming that he didn't know it. That would be a good opportunity to overthrow Yanarym's heyday. When he found out that his girlfriend was cheating on him with his brother…

She can also use the situation to manipulate Alvan's feelings and torture Alyx.

Alyana smiled and turned off the PC.

When Alvan finds out that he was being cuckold, one of the scenarios was that he may torture Yanarym in the industry, at worst her popularity will plummet.

Alvan was in the room watching the newly released music video which features him and Yanarym. They took a temporary day off at her request to rest for the entire day. He had planned to be with her for their day off but she told him she wanted to be alone. If they were together at this present, they would be able to watch the mv together.

But it's not that bad, it was okay because he was with her yesterday at the Japanese restaurant that he found with the help of his manager. They had a marvelous date, and she was so adorable, his phone's storage contains nothing else but her.

According to the schedule, unfortunately, next week is Alyx's turn. Three of them have a weekly rotation. Yanarym will live with whoever was her man for that week.

She had to stay for five days in the respective residences and the next two days will be her 'me' time. If one of them does not follow the implemented regulations. That rule breaker will give his week to those who abide by the rules.

Alvan often breaks the regulations, it was unintentional, it was for work but he won't deny that he doesn't hate it, being with her all day. However, she wasn't with him at night… Which was also a downcast because he couldn't be as passionate if they were alone, his moves were limited as people watch them all the time.

Alvan took his cell phone that was charging to the side table and called Yanarym but she was not available which made him frown. He left her a voice message then he flooded her inbox with his texts. Out of boredom, he went to his social media account to check out what he uploaded just recently.

"We look so good together ..." He smiled as he scrolled to the photos of them together. He even read some comments that pleased him. He went to the inbox and a certain chat preview caught his attention, it was from a dummy user who has no profile with the username of User1267949.

He opened the message and the picture of a man and a woman kissing each other came into view. His eyes widened upon recognizing Yanarym. He immediately sat up in bed and took a screenshot, he sent it to Alyx's email and called his number. He dialed his number a few times and it was connected after the seventh call. He stood up on the bed to find the paper and a pen to write down the number sent by the anonymous person earlier.

"I'm in a meeting, why do you keep on calling?"

"You've been photographed! Rym is in the photo too! If you want to fool around don't mix Rym in! This is a critical time for her career! Why are you being so reckless?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'll send you a screenshot, deal with it fast, I won't tell Rym, so don't inform her about this." He uttered in a belligerent tone.

Alyx saw it, so he adjourned his meeting with the stockholders; his forehead wrinkled reading the message and seeing the photo. He was composed but he hastily dialed Alvan's number. He knew too well that this was also the critical time for Yanarym's career, although he could shut down any bad articles that would be posted about her. He didn't want any harm afflicting her at all. And Alvan's fans would be most like the people who could do that.

And it's not smart for a scandal involving Alvan, him and Yanarym.

"Have you seen it?"

"Yeah, come to the office, and let's talk about it."