"I heard from Director Anne that some girl named Yanarym agreed on the role yet she had declined offers from other series that were lined up for her, which is quite disturbing. Did you know why she did that?" Some model inside the dressing room with Alyana suddenly said.


"She said, she's not that good at acting yet! Isn't that crazy? She accepted a big role but she doesn't know how to act. What a bitch."

"I know, right. She's been in the industry for five years!" Some of the staff had joined the conversation. "I've seen her before—she's good. She knows she would gain more popularity there. It will become a blockbuster after all."

"She doesn't deserve Alvan! What kind of black magic did she use to seduce our prince?"

"I heard from Alvan's PA that as soon as he heard that she had signed the contract for the movie 'Sunset', Alvan had also accepted the lead role."

"So, the rumors are true? He wouldn't accept a project if Yanarym was not involved?"

"That is so unfair."

"That bitch! I'm sure she bewitched Alvan. That slut spread her legs for him that's why she had that kind of privilege. Sooner or later, Alvan will get tired of her. And I will laugh at her when that happens!"

"We know Alvan. He doesn't pamper women like that, but maybe Yanarym is special."

"Shut up. She's just one of his whores, that's it!"

Alyana clenched her fist while she silently listened to them talking. She didn't want to get mad at all but she just couldn't help it. She had been working day and night. She sacrificed her blood, sweat and tears in order to achieve everything she had right now. It's a shame there were still women like that who would ruin others' life just so they could have it all.

A whore—a kind of person Alyana detests the most; people without dignity who would climb up men's beds just to satisfy their needs. They were parasites that leeched off people who could give them what they wanted.

The leech that Alyana was referring to was peacefully sipping the red plump juice that was sent to her by Alvan. Despite the fact that she had lost her phone, she could still hear the news about everything that was going on in the show business. It was all thanks to her handy Guide-sama.

Guide-sama: "Yanarym, the heroine is cursing you right now."

"Why? Is it because I took her role?"

Guide-sama: "Yes."

Yanarym was hesitant at first in accepting the role but based on the original plot, this was the opportunity when Alyana's career had skyrocketed. That only meant one thing for Yanarym—more money! Even though she didn't want to mess with the plot any further, she needed to. It would be her shortest shortcut towards earning millions.

She wanted to give her gratitude to Alvan. She wasn't expecting this from the second male lead; who had no idea what he was falling into. He wasn't even included on her list of potential fishes in her aquarium yet there he was, offering himself voluntarily.

"Hey! Take me to your fish tank! I want to become your fish!" She chuckled to herself as she imagined a fish version of Alvan in her mind.

"Guide-sama, did I become the female lead?"

Guide-sama: "No, you don't have the heroine halo."

"Then, what happened to Alvan and Alyx? Why are they so drawn to me?"

Guide-sama: "I'm sorry, Yanarym. I don't understand human emotions, therefore, I can't understand. But based on my findings, you understand it the most."

"I don't have the slightest idea. I also don't have the heroine halo or anything special about me. But I've been thinking… Maybe it was because I had sex with them. Would that be possible? All because of sex?"

Guide-sama: "I honestly don't know."

"Hmm… They're simply like moths drawn to a flame," she whispered, the straw still touching her lips. "I don't want to think. It's making me hungry."

"Rym, this is the newest model and you will be endorsing this brand as of today. Tomorrow, you have a photoshoot scheduled with Alvan. We already found you two personal assistants who will help you manage everything you need."

"Oh, thanks, Adel." Yanarym smiled and took the paper bag printed with a logo of a well-known phone brand. If she would compare it to the ones from her recent world, it's like an iPhone—so expensive.

Ever since she came back to work, she had been treated like a VIP by the management. Everyone was so nice to her and it was all thanks to Alvan. She should really thank him, shouldn't she? After all, he made everything easy for her. Why not let him have what he wanted?

She was aware Alyx was keeping an eye on her but, nonetheless, her story wouldn't be the same as Alyana. Alyana was the female lead and she only belonged to the male lead just like how the male lead belonged to her. They were made for each other. They were fated for one another because that was what the author had written. That was why, even Alyx was lurking to her, she suspects that it was only a passing infatuation, meaning she should not take an account on Alyx's existence.

About the second male lead… Of course, Yanarym would gladly cherish the second male lead! Besides, her progress with Kane was so slow, she couldn't wait for that long. Mainly because someone was already offering her something on hand, it's making her eager for advancement.

She would still be good friends with Kane, at least. She wouldn't have to worry about Yarisa as long as she's on good terms with Kane.

Wouldn't that be nice? She would become famous and rich, while her sister would soon finally recover and they would both live a happy life. Happy ending, a perfect story!

Yanarym continued sipping her juice with a grin on her face.