Yanarym opened her new phone, which was already installed with the apps and important contacts she needed, and it rang as she opened the screen.


"Let's meet tonight." She paused for a moment and looked at the ID of the caller from her phone. Alvan? Well, speaking of the devil…

"Why? We'll be seeing each other tomorrow anyway."

"You know why. I miss you. It's been so long since we last saw each other. I even accepted projects just to be with you. Can't you do me a favor and be with me tonight?" Yanarym couldn't help but bite her lower lip, her whole attention fixated on his handsome voice.

Guide-sama: "I thought you won't fall in love, Yanarym?"

"Guide-sama, you don't need to fall in love to feel the jitters on your body. All you need is a suave voice with a handsome face!"

Guide-sama: "But it's just a bag of skin. I don't understand."

"Why? Miss me?" She asked him blithely. Alvan was confused for a second. It had been weeks already since they last had contact with each other and now she's treating him like they've been flirting for so long, which was not.

"I don't know, but I miss you! I want to see you tonight." He bursted, a bit flustered. He was actually hesitant at first about calling her but he knew he had to. He just couldn't understand why he had to act this way—it was so uncool of him.

"I can't," Yanarym answered without hesitation. He frowned.

"Why is that?"

"We have to shoot tomorrow."


"You can't eat me tonight. I don't want to appear haggard on the camera because I couldn't keep up with your stamina in bed." She sounded so complacent about it he couldn't believe his ears.

"W-WHAT? I just want to see you! I'm not a pervert. Why would I devour you like some animal or something?" Unbeknownst to her, his face became beet red.

" you really think like that about me? That's barbaric."


She broke into laughter. She had no idea teasing him like this would be fun, plus Alvan's reaction was so cute and unexpected. No one had ever dared flirting with him like this. Technically, she's older than Alvan by soul, even though the hierarchy in their status had a huge difference, she couldn't help but tease him with superiority in age.

"Are you blushing right now?" Yanarym asked in a sweet tone. "Let's do a video call. I want to see you too."

"N-no! See you tomorrow! Goodbye!"

And that was it, the call had ended.

Yanarym looked at the screen, smirking. This would be a lot more exciting than she had thought it would be.

The call ended for a while now yet here he was, still staring at his phone displaying the young woman's contact photo— stupefied. His face was hot to the touch and as embarrassing as it was for him to admit, he was blushing. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw how red his face had become. But instead of being annoyed about it, he was smiling like an idiot.

He couldn't believe himself. Alvan bit his lips inward and threw his phone on the other side of the bed. What is this? It felt like his stomach was suddenly acting weird. Was it what they actually call butterflies? That sound gay!

How could she give him butterflies? There's no way. He's not a teenager anymore to be acting like an amateur about it. He was supposed to be an expert in this. So, why would he be so flustered by her? All of a sudden, he remembered her sweet voice teasing him. He let out a loud sigh and slammed his body on the bed, covering his face with a pillow and started rolling on the sheets.

The hell is going on with him?! No! It should be the opposite! She should be the one getting jittery and excited, not the other way around.

His denial only contradicted his expressions. He did really appear like a teenage boy experiencing his very first love. Even so, it was quite overwhelming and fascinating. This was new to him. He giggled as he thought of her… No! Damn it! Then he giggled again.

Guide-sama: "Oh, boy."

In a quiet, dark and gloomy room, where there are books and authentic collections of antics on the glass shelves. A man was sitting on a swivel chair in front of a vast table that was filled with numerous papers. The sound of the keyboard of the laptop echoes in the silent space, Alex halted his fingers from typing as he randomly remembered the face of the woman who has been haunting him every single night. He subconsciously gulped, calming his nerves feeling the lust he's been suppressing for too long waking up again.

The sultry curves of that woman he held that night, her cries and moans with his sensual actions on her body. The way that she was able to unleash his feral nature on bed and how satisfied even though she fell asleep in the midst of everything. He is having a boner, through recalling that night. He is an average man with average need for the explicit activities, however, he was never a prurient type of person. Although he got aroused sometimes, he could easily disperse the lustful thoughts and focus on what his priorities are. He could say that he was never blinded by lust for women but always strived for his greed of power.

Despite all that, meeting Yanarym must be his turning point. A serene night where all he does is work if he is having an episode of insomnia. In the middle of the night, at a random time, his brain would play a scenario when he was with that woman, making his mind and body undergo chaos. Alyx was aching to lay somebody and that somebody was no other than Yanarym.