In his mind, Alyx was hankering for Yanarym's warmth, he desires one more taste of her and another glimpse at her luscious face. Devour and destroy her until she passes out once again. He could hear her muffled cries as his lips wandered all over her body, the way that her breasts deformed as he squeezed them roughly, as her cunt contracted on every thrust of his shaft, that felt good… - the way she begged for him to stop…

Unconsciously, Alyx began to touch himself, thinking that she was right here and doing him. He wants her, he wants her so bad.

"Fuck, Yanarym!" He growled in a low tone upon pleasuring himself with thoughts of her running in his mind. After he had ejaculated and his mind clarified, he glared at the dark corner of his office.

This can't go on and on, who he likes was Alyana. Why is he thinking of wrecking another woman's body every night? Why did he keep fantasizing about another woman every single night?

He took out his phone and opened a message sent by his investigator. Alyana and Yanarym were going to the same building tomorrow. They were both scheduled for a shoot of a product endorsement. Should he go and see which lady matters more to him?

"Aren't you nervous, Ms. Yanarym?" One of Yanarym's personal assistants asked as she shrieked in excitement from her seat.

"It's Alvan, the king of films! He's the top actor of the entire continent! You're so lucky, Ms. Yanarym."

"Girls, calm down. You'll be hanging a lot around him and soon you'll get used to it. Really there's nothing to get flustered about," she replied as she sipped her sugar free mango milkshake. It's her breakfast and that was it. Of course, she couldn't keep up with diets like that but she had to. Her job required her to. Although, she didn't know how long she would last with all the bland food they were feeding her.

In contrast with Yanarym's relaxed state, the whole dressing room was chaotic. Alvan arrived at the shoot way earlier than anyone had expected. He was grinning from ear to ear and everyone could see how good his mood was. He sat in front of a big vanity mirror stacked with lights when two stylists had started preparing him for the shoot.

"Do it right! Style my hair more than usual and make sure I look perfect so she wouldn't get over me."

"Why is it like this?! I look hideous! Stop painting my face like a troll!"

Staff: "..."

Make-up artist: "..."

Hair stylist: "..."

Everyone in the set gawked at him with a confused look on their faces. If he was a troll, then what were the ordinary-looking people called? Even so, no one dared to open their mouths. Alvan was being extra picky today but his outstanding radiance still motivated everyone to work with enthusiasm.

"Ms. Yanarym, finally! What time do you think it is?!" Because Alvan arrived earlier than the dawn, Yanarym seems to be late but in fact, she was an hour early before the actual meeting time was.

"Ah, Sir Meci. The schedule says 10:30 in the morning.. It's only 9:15. Was I sent with the wrong schedule?" Yanarym asked problematically. The photographer looked at his wrist watch and he himself was surprised. Alvan came way too early that he got confused with the time.

"No, I'm sorry. My mistake. You go change now," he ordered. Yanarym bobbed her head before signalling her P.A. to hand over the box of plum juice to the strict photographer. "What's this?"

"It's a gift for you, Sir Meci. It's imported from Europe." She smiled sweetly.

"Oh, thank you. This is very much appreciated. You shouldn't have troubled yourself." He accepted the present.

"No worries, Sir Meci. I just want to show my gratitude, that's all. Please take care of me in the future."

"Likewise," the photographer smiled.

"I should get ready now."

Upon entering the dressing room, she instantly noticed Alvan so casually sitting on a swivel chair like royalty. He was scrolling through his phone while the make-up artist was doing final touches on his face.

"Mr. Villalias," she called as soon as she arrived next to his seat. "Please take care of me in the future." She bowed her head as a sign of respect. The people in the dressing room exchanged gazes from what they were seeing.

The actor took a glance at her. He only responded with a small "um…" before going back to his business. Yanarym knew he was only contradicting himself when she saw his ear turned red. She had no idea the second male lead was such a sweet cinnamon roll.

The make-up artist had started working on her while Alvan was secretly watching and taking stolen pictures of her with his phone. As soon as they were both done and ready, they went to the platform and a staff member handed them a model product each from the same phone company.

"Chemistry. You both have chemistry," Sir Meci praised when they stood next to each other. "Okay. Let's start!"

The photographer was teaching them poses and they easily pulled them off. The entire room was quiet except for the continuous clicks of the camera and the photographer who seemed to be the one having fun more than anyone. Everyone in the set was watching in awe. They felt lucky enough to witness the soon-to-be phenomenal couple in the industry.

Yanarym was initially thought of as a gold-digger whore who used her body to flirt with powerful people she could take advantage of, like Alvan. But the more time they spent with the actress, people were convinced Alvan was the one trying his hardest to get the woman's attention. During their break, Yanarym decided to visit the heroine of the story who was also busy performing a shoot just below hers.

"Smile naturally, Alyana!" A loud grumpy voice echoed the moment she entered the room.