Arrival At Yiran kingdom

Yu Yan was left in a trance, a trance she wondered if she was ever going to get herself out from, she was so spaced out she had no idea when she was brought to the Yiran kingdom, Fei Hong landed safely at the main golden gate, he dropped Yu Yan to her feet.

"Are you alright?" he asked, she placed a hand to her chest and raised a finger at his face.

"You can't do that to me, you could get punished for abducting me." she said but he scoffed at her remark.

"Follow me or wander off and get lost."

He walked into the gate, Yu Yan didn't wait for a sec before following his trail.

Inside the immortal world of Yiran, Yu Yan gazed at the beauty of the place, what stunned her more was the beauty of it's people, the ladies were extremely gorgeous and the males were handsome themselves.

Everyone stopped whatever they were doing as Fei Hong strode along the part in an imposing manner, behind him was a young timid girl who silently followed his trail.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp, Fei Hong has finally chosen a disciple?!.

Fei Hong is the son of emperor Lee, most powerful immortal and the great sage of the heavens who happened to reach his cultivation at a young age, he looked like someone of twenty years old but is actually a hundred years old, he has refused to get a disciple since he reached cultivation, according to the rules of the Yiran, once you've mastered full cultivation, it is compulsory to get a disciple, Fei Hong never wanted a disciple but his father wouldn't hear that.

No one actually thought in their wildest dreams Fei Hong would get himself a disciple but why did she have to be so plain?

"Where did she come from?"

"She's not even that pretty, why would the young master want her as his disciple."

"It's a good thing, at least the young master won't find anything attractive about her."

The ladies whispered and Yu Yan could hear them quite clearly, it's not like she wanted to be here, she was forced to come with.

Okay maybe she wasn't as pretty as the girls in the Yiran world, they had such beautiful eye colour's and flawless skin with amazing bodies while she, well she isn't that bad herself.

Yu Yan had a pale and flawless skin, her small delicate face looked attractive, her delicate ears framed a dainty nose, she had rapturing big brown eyes which gave her that innocent look and her long lashes were dark and a bit curled, Her long shadowy dark hair fell past her back almost hiding her small frame, she was twine thin and she never actually dressed to look attractive, she liked herself the way she was, but that can't be the same for the immortal master, why pick her of all people, even the people in her town would never choose her for anything, so why was she chosen to be his disciple?

She was totally spaced out, Fei Hong brought Yu Yan to his huge palace, Yu Yan gazed at it in awe, such a pretty place.

"Come with me." Fei Hong walked in first, Yu Yan glanced at her shoes which had mud on them, she can't step in with such dirty shoes, she took them off.

Fei Hong turned around and saw his disciple taking off her shoes, a little confused, he walked up to her.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

She glanced up to meet his gaze, goodness why was he so breath taking handsome, she cleared her throat.

"My shoes have dirt on them, I wouldn't want to stain such a pretty place with this shoe of mine." she answered honestly although she felt a little embarrassed, seeing Fei Hong gaze at her mud covered shoe's made her regret showing it to him. She hid it behind her and smiled to hide her embarrassed situation.

"Pay no attention to me, let's go."

Fei Hong said nothing and turned around, Yu Yan gazed at every corner of the building, it felt like paradise itself, The king sat on his throne when Fei Hong walked in with Yu Yan trailing behind.


Emperor Lee glanced at his direction, Fei Hong walked up to him keeping a straight face, emperor Lee remained in his cool manner as he gazed at his son.

"It's been seven days since I sent you to earth."

Yu Yan's slender brows furrowed, seven days?!, it's not even up to a day yet. could it be the time here is actually faster than the time on earth?

"I did as you said father, I brought a disciple."

Emperor Lee averted his gaze at Yu Yan, Yu Yan's eyes raked over him, he's the immortal's father?!,he looks rather young to her and super handsome too, you'd actually think they were brother's seeing how much they shared a resemblance.

Yu Yan bowed politely at him. "Greetings your emperor."

"Welcome to the immortal world of Yiran."

Yu Yan tried to hide her nervousness but couldn't stop herself from bringing up the question.

"Emperor, I really do not want to be here, isn't there a way to escape this?".

"You helped the dragon, it proves how loyal you'll be to your master, you possibly can't escape this, you're bound to be his disciple."

He glanced at Fei Hong. "Take her to her chamber's, let her freshen up quickly."

Yu Yan remained quiet, is she going to have to live in Yiran from now on?!

They stepped out of the palace, a lot of girls suddenly crowded Fei Hong with a look of excitement and longing.

"Young master, you're back." the girls sounded excited and gifted him with flowers and fruits like Fei Hong was some kind of fan, Fei Hong was clearly the most handsome and it was said that once he steps out, his carriage was always followed by the ladies, he always returns with his flying white carriage filled with fresh friuts, Yu Yan kept her gaze on them, what beauties!.

Fei Hong seemed uninterested by them as guards blocked their path, he got into his white carriage and beckoned Yu Yan to step in as well.

She hesitated for a while before stepping in, she could clearly make out the cold stares from the girls.

"We've been staying out here dieing to catch a glimpse of master Fei Hong but that girl gets to see him everyday now."

A girl sighed. "She's so fortunate to be master Fei Hong's disciple, she'll get to see him everyday and will learn from him."

"What's so special about her anyways?, he could have chosen me to be his disciple."

"Shhhh, she's his disciple now, you better not let the young master hear you say that."

Yu Yan stole a glance at the gorgeous prince beside her, while he looked clean and fresh, she looked opposite, her dress was quite stained in mud and she was probably covered in sweat, Yu Yan dabbed her sweat with the hem of her gown, the fact he carried her in his arms while she looked like this made her feel a bit embarrassed.

Fei Hong never said anything to her, Yu Yan who enjoys talking way too much couldn't stop herself from speaking to him.

"What's your name?" she asked sweetly.

He averted his beautiful gaze at her making her tense up, was it right for a disciple to ask her master for his name?

Fei Hong suddenly leaned closer to her making her shrink back in her seat as her eyes widened, his face was so close it made her cheeks turn a light pink, she could perceive his amazing scent as it surrounded her, it felt intoxicating, he raised a brow making him look bewitching.

"Do you really want to know?"

"S... sorry I asked, you don't have to come so close!" she said.

Fei Hong suddenly pulled away after grabbing a book from the corner where she sat. "I'm Fei Hong." he said while flipping open a page in his book.

Yu Yan gazed at the book in his hand, he wasn't really coming at her but for his book, she gave herself a slap at the back of her head, foolish Yu Yan, what makes you think someone so perfect would ever make a move at you.

"What about you?" he asked not averting his gaze from his book.

"It's Yu Yan." she said, he said nothing further but her name rang in his head, it's a nice name.

The carriage stopped at a beautiful building, Yu Yan was the first to step down from the carriage followed by Fei Hong, she smiled as she kept her gaze on the building, what a pretty building.

"This is where we'll be staying." he said.

"We?" she couldn't help but point that part out but he ignored her words.

His expression suddenly changed, he gazed at the house. "Wait here." his words were final and he walked into the building, Yu Yan gazed at him blankly, where was he heading to?

Fei Hong walked through the hallway and finally got to his chamber's, he opened the door and as expected, a very pretty lady laid on his bed covered in his bedsheet, the minute she noticed his arrival, her pretty face darted at his direction, she flashed a seductive smile his way.

"You're back."

He knew he was going to find her here. He walked up to her with his arms behind him, she blushed while gazing at his enchanted face and tapped the space beside her.

"Join me, I'll make you happy."

He gazed at her, he raised the bedsheet a little and she wore very little showing off her flawless skin and amazing body, he raised a brow but she found it to be seductive.

"Wow master Fei Hong, aren't you taking it too far?"

He said nothing and covered her properly with the bedsheet, he rolled her on it wrapping her with the bedsheet making her giggle.

"Master Fei Hong, will you make me your disciple once I please you?"

He smirked. "You'll know soon enough."

He carried her in his arms and took her out of his room.

Yu Yan waited outside as she was told to, not untill she saw Fei Hong stepping out with a lady wrapped in a blanket.


Fei Hong stepped out of the building leaving the girl in his arms confused.

"Why are we out here?"

"So I can do this."

He released her and she fell to the floor making Yu Yan gasp.

The girl gazed at Fei Hong in disbelief.

"As you can see, I have a disciple already, stop sneaking into my room, it makes you look pathetic." he kept a straight face and headed back inside, Yu Yan followed feeling confused by the whole situation. Who was that girl?

Yu Yan stayed close since Fei Hong was the only person she knows, apparently she's going to find a way to get out of here.

Fei Hong opened the door and walked in, Yu Yan walked in as well closing the door behind her, what a lovely room!.

"Go get changed." he said.

She blinked at him looking puzzled. "Where's the bathroom?"

He pointed at the door at his left. "In there."

Yu Yan gazed at him. "And you?"

He sat on the king sized bed and his handsome face remained pockered.

"I'll wait here."

Yu Yan gazed at him. "W.... what?"

"Hurry up!" his tone was so commanding Yu Yan didn't even realize when she ended up in the bathroom, she has to find a way to get out of here.