
Into the unknown iii

The placement of bright colors everywhere could've caused a riot to the eyes but Ginjer was able to balance the color contrast, which made it more acceptable. you wouldn't in anyway get offended by the sharpness or brightness of the colors, she placed them in such a way that it was welcoming and magnetic, you wouldn't easily tear your gaze away. It caught Isabelle's attention, being a painter and all,she noticed that in between every sharp and bright color,a cool and calm one is being placed, the cool colors reduces the sharpness and brightness to a certain level and let it all blend."Nya? i wish to speak to you in private"Ginjer took this opportunity to steal her from Isabelle's side."Excuse me". Nya said to Isabelle and followed right after Ginger left.Ginger opened the door leading to her little balcony waiting for Nya. " Why do you wish to speak with me? " Nya asked stepping into the balcony.The old woman looked at the little children play jump rope with the Lickerish and giggling at each other."I've come with some bad news for you" She sighed."Its about Cecelia" Ginjer waited a bit for Nya yo speak but when she didn't, she continued."She's been set free""what do you mean by set free?" Nya, wasn't sure bout what she heard."escaped, loose, out there, no longer in bondage or captivity"A cold shover ran down Nya's spine and goosebumps started to appear. 'this was impossible' she told herself."Ginjer, perhaps you are mistaken. Cecelia is locked up, I locked her up remember?""I'm quite aware of what you did and how everyone praised you for your selfless act. But, Cecelia has escaped, Terish himself had an encounter with her and he was one of the lucky ones to have escaped""H.how come I didn't know about this ?"When it came to things like this Nya was the first person to be notified but this time she wasn't." Do you think as soon as she's escaped she'd run to meet you? No Nya, she's got something under her sleeve. Terish said Cecelia has changed. Her presence was tormenting and terrifying, let alone the destruction she caused"This news has left Nya a bit restless, she gripped the candy cane candy stripped railing staring at the sky and slowly said,"For her to have escaped, it either means her powers have gone stronger or she was helped""Or could be both. What if she was helped and then her powers multiplied" Ginjer said


" Cecelia is just like you anyway so don't forget that and plus she has her own special powers ""Which she chose to use for evil, that's the difference between us.""all I know is she's escaped and its bad news , she's bad news ,always up to no good." From the corner of her eyes Ginjer saw two couples holding hands walking into a shop, her heart squeezed a little, she missed Choco a lot. She looked up to the sky again and this time she smiled because she knew that very soon they'll be reunited once more."Do you know the location she might be now?" Nya asked."I don't know where she is right now but Terish said he saw her in Gowa""Gowa. Gowa.." Nya repeated trying to remember its location. "Ah yes! The measly populated village that stands between the West and the south.""Nya? now that I've told you this, I hope you'll be able to end this bad news before things get out of hands". Ginjer stopped for a moment and said " Keep the human girl safe. I don't need to question her presence, I know she's not a bad person , I can see through her innocence. She's a very curious one, make sure you answer her unasked questions""Now I'm a babysitter" She laughed."She looks so much like Eve, Eve wilt " Ginjer noticed too."OK I've got to know what this taste like" Isabelle had been staring at the chocolate coated couch, for the first few minutes she averted her eyes from it but then her head snapped back , her eyes soaking it in, her hands itching and her body was trying to speak in its on language. Everything in her was telling her to go take a bite. a bite, just a bite.She was slowly going crazy, surrounded by sugar. Everything sugar coated and eye catching. There's only so much one could take, one could do, one could avoid, one could absorb, one could say, one could try out."I have to bite this" She slowly stood up, her eyes eyeing the chair slowly. Stretching forth her hands she touched the couch feeling the texture, she slowly brought her nose to inhale , her tongue sticking out to have a taste. Her teeth nibbing slowly at it."uh..Isabelle?"On hearing her name, she acted as if she was swatting away specks of dusts. Staring at it immensely to check out if there was more dust.She turned to look at Nya with a smile on her face to push aside every suspicions they might have of her."We're leaving now" Nya told Isabelle.

They both stepped out of the house, walking down the path that led out of the ville.

"where are we going?" Isabelle found herself asking."Home"'Home' Isabelle whispered. Her mind drifted back to the mansion, maybe she should be heading back.But, she wanted to stay a little longer. At least in this place no one asks her unnecessary questions about her life, seems as tho no one bothered."Do You live alone?" Isabelle asked."No I live with my friends"Disgusted at the whole point and idea of having friends Isabelle scoffed "And what's the point of having them?""These people aren't just my friends ,they like my family. They are family" Nya emphasized on the word family ..Isabelle halted "you are quite aware that there's a fine line between friends and family right?""Yes, I'm and aware of that. Friends who truly care bout you, being with you through bad times, helped you when you needed help, slowly turn from friends into family." Nya said. "So, how about you, have any friends?"

"Well I had a friend. My Mom"

Nya, noticing Isabelle used the word "had in the sentence, she sensed something must've happened and asked no further question.They arrived at more trees. Nya held Isabelle's hand. On a normal occasion, Isabelle could've pushed and ran the hell out of there to wherever she came from but this hand sent a wave of calmness over her and willingness to follow and do without asking.The trees were scattered everywhere making it easy for you to know where you are going. They walked deeper and deeper till they reached an obstruction, a dead end.Nya kept walking regardless of the obstruction. Isabelle stared at the wall and then at Nya, at the wall and then at Nya, at the wall and then at Nya, at the wall and then at...