
This place

Isabelle shut her eyes real tight as she felt herself being pulled through the wall which she was expecting to hit her any time soon.. but

"OK you can open your eyes now".She heard Nya say. Isabelle slowly opened her eyes, gasped as she looked around. Her eyes landed on Nya,

'This girl was full of surprises' she thought to herself.

"Is the wall some kind of portal?" She asked Nya.

"Well yes, our house is hidden and that's the entrance and exit"

  The welcoming interior design clearly stated the house was made out of wood. Her feet still glued to the floor as Nya introduced her to two males who seemed to be her roommates.

  Jia and Kia were said to be their names.

"Human?" Jia asked looking at Nya who showed lack of concern on Isabelle being human.

'they are referring to me as human?. strange. are they not also human as well?' Isabelle thought to herself. She waved and took note of their features

Kia's was strangely blond, strange in the sense that the color of blond wasn't strictly blond, it had a honey like look. At first it looks like blond ,but on the second look you see a golden brown color.  while the other one had black hair but the roots were white.

"So how'd you come across her?" Kia asked.

"its a long story. Can you make me hot cocoa ?" Nia sank on the small couch at the corner of the room.

"And you will tell me how you came across her?" Kia asked.

"Not now, some other time"

Isabelle stood there still wondering why she was here, the spiral stair case at the center of the room caught her attention for a while. Realizing she had stayed here longer than usual, She looked out the window. It was already evening.

Panic began settling in, she was in an unknown place with people she hadn't met in her life before, she had stayed longer than usual that she wasn't quick to realise that evening was slowing creeping in. She turned to Nya and then said

"I need to get back home. Its already pitch black outside, everyone would be looking for me.". Nia who seemed to be enjoying hot coco opened her eyes after savoring the sensation

"Relax Isabelle, time works differently here. In the human world you would've gone for like 5 or 10 seconds"

'5 or 10seconds?. What was this place anyways' She thought to herself.

  Sensing her nervousness Kia stretched forth his hands with a cup between his palm.

"Hot cocoa?" He offered.

"No thank you" Isabelle said sharply, Kia felt a bit embarrassed because his offer had been rejected not polity but in a rude way. very rude way.

"I'd like to read a book" Isabelle said and sat on a high wooden stool beside the window.

  "bossy" Jia muttered under his breath .

Kia was a person who liked to feel needed. Hearing Isabelle request for a book and knowing he was went to his room and brought out a book from under his pillow. It was an old book he had read a couple of times. He handed it over to Isabelle.

"The Rickety Old Chair" Isabelle read out loud before a quizzical look appeared on her face. "Really? I would love to read a book about magic and mysteries, not a book about old chairs"

"Do not judge a book by it's cover Izzy " Jia , whose face had been buried in a book for a long time slowly placed the book on the bridge of his nose, his eyes staring at Isabelle and kia.

"Its Isabelle. From the title of the book its obvious and very clear that this book is about chair. Rickety old ones, as a matter of fact"

"Even titles could be misleading" Jia said with his back facing them.

"Well that book is filled with mysteries. up until now, I'm still wondering who the chopper that chopped down the magic tree is, who carved it into a chair and why miss woven puff locked the chair in the dark forest. " Kia said sipping out of the rejected hot cocoa.

"Well that is left for you to discover on your own" Jia muttured under his breath as he went up the spiral stairs, He still couldn't understand why Nya would bring in a human knowing quite well that they are fragile, the gingerbread was still the most fragile of all creatures but still.

In these lands, the creatures had their own place, more of like an habitat, sharing their place with other creatures can be acceptable but there were certain creatures that would create an imbalance if they were to stay, which were the humans of course. It seems as tho Nya was forgetting what happened to Eve Wilt.

Jia looked at the human girl who had sudden interest in reading the book Kia had given her, his  eyes slowly taking in her features.

Isabelle had picked out the words that were of importance to her which were Mysterious, Magic, dark forest.

She decided to give the book a chance, flipping a page she read. A few hours had passed, Isabelle had been immensely engrossed to take note of it which made Nya conclude that she would be staying here a bit longer.

"She looks so peaceful when she's asleep"

"Indeed she does, when she's not being rude. She didn't even say Hi when she saw us. She just kept staring like we were some odd creatures"

"She could be the quiet type of a person, or what do you think?""

"She didn't even taste my hot cocoa, does she hate chocolate?"

"And to think the book was about chairs"

Isabelle heard whisperings and murmuring beside her. She was enjoying the bed her body had found to be comfortable.

  She slowly opened her eyes and turned her head to the  direction where the whispering and mummering were coming from,.kia and Jia both staring at her.

"Creepy creatures" She used her elbows to prop herself up.

"Its Kia and Jia we have names" Jia said Moving away from her bed side.

Ignoring his comment Isabelle asked "Where's Nia?"

"She went to run some errands. Do you want hot cocoa now or you'd wait until tomorrow" Kia dragged the word tomorrow making Isabelle remember when she rejected his kind offer.

"Yes I'd love to" Said Isabelle. Kia looked at her a few seconds longer then he went into the kitchen. Few minutes later, Kia came back with a cup of cocoa,Isabelle took a sip.

"Hmm, too sweet. Next time reduce the quantity of sugar added, not everyone likes sweet things."  Isabelle continued stirring the cup with a wooden spoon.

"So bossy. You are used to controlling people aren't you?" Kia asked.

"Well she lives in a mansion with three maids and a butler. Everything in life at her fingertips , what were you expecting?" Jia said.

Shocked Isabelle looked over at Jia "How'd you know that?"

" Did a background checkup ".

" More of like used your powers" Kia muttered inaudibly under his breath which didn't go unnoticed by Jia.

" On a second thought, the cocoa is really nice. Thank you, but you could reduce the sugar a little bit. Not everyone likes things that are too sweet" Isabelle smiled at Kia who was curious about the sudden change in attitude.

"It doesn't kill to be nice now does it?" Jia's head tilted asking isabelle who replied.

"I am nice"

"Yes, but only to people you know and trust"

"If I don't trust you two then I wouldn't be drink this hot cocoa " She raised the cup a bit higher " and I wouldn't be sitting here with you guys"

"You don't trust us, you trust Nya. The only reason you are drinking that in your hand is because you saw Nya drink it yesterday and nothing bad happened to her." Jia said with a straight face.

"You know too much" Isabelle looked at the brown content in the cup.

Kia always knew Jia had keen eyes, he took note of everything , every single details. Nothing ,noone goes unnoticed  or sometimes unpunished.

"As a matter of fact I do"