Chapter 865: The Bored God

"...I got bored."

And almost instantly, King raised his fist — gesturing for all of the people on his side to stop advancing. As for Diana's side, no one really needed to gesture anything to anyone as all of them just instinctively stopped flying.

"Why… is he holding someone's head?" Gracy quickly commented.

"Ssh!" Her mouth, however, was quickly covered by Chihiro as she very slowly floated back. And as she did so, Diana and the others did the same without even saying a word.

"...I thought you would not involve yourself in this war, Riley Ross?" King's helmet unfolded and revealed his face. And although his eyes did not have irises, it was obvious that he was looking Riley in the eyes even from afar, "Is something this mundane worth your time?"

"Hm…?" Riley turned Bernard's decayed head toward King; its mouth, opening as Riley spoke.