Chapter 866: I Will See You Soon

"Where is he!? Find him!"

Adoptive Mothe–Diana did not waste any time in scanning the chaotic battlefield. As soon as King's body started to show even a little sign of melting and withering away, she instantly realized that they had been fighting a clone and the real one was out there somewhere.

She knew, Diana knew that she was being eaten by a rage greater than she had ever felt before. But she did not really care — Bernard meant more to her than anyone could actually ever know. He had his flaws, he had so many.

But Diana has too. And for someone who had lived for so long, her sins far outweigh Bernard's. There wasn't really anything special in their relationship at all. If you take away their identities as individuals, their relationship might as well be the most normal one in the entire world.

Well, perhaps not.