
'What weapon should I use? Sword? Knives? Stick? Clubs? Hammers?" Lucas was very anxious and worried about his choice of weapon. Initially, he ran for the construction department, but after seeing that it wouldn't be easy to choose something that suited him, he slowed his pace, taking every moment to analyze what would be best to use in a fight.

'I can't get something that's 'nice', it has to be useful to me. Let's start with that." Even though he'd already read many stories, when he was in the hospital, that the protagonist used swords, he knew that the real world today doesn't seek beauty, but utility.

'My mutation is very malleable, I can attack from close range and medium distance. But, I think my best feature is that I can do almost anything, that is, I'm versatile! Too bad I'm sure there won't be any weapons other than swords and clubs there, surely the other weapons like maces, gloves and so on are very difficult to produce." He was so focused on his choice that he didn't notice the faces extremely happy of the people around. It wasn't a usual satisfaction, they were smiling for no reason, smiling at nothing, even stranger than before.

Lucas kept thinking:

'The sword is the most common, it serves for defense and attack, but it doesn't work with me. The sword will take out one of the best forms of combat I have, blood for blood." Boosting his brain through [Blood Understanding] during his punishment helped him in unimaginable ways.

He saw that his biggest advantage in a fight was regeneration. Fighting for long periods of time, trading blow for blow, wound for wound, and anything else that inflicted great damage in exchange for a few injuries, put him far ahead of his peers. After all, fighting someone who can regenerate in seconds, while you lose much of your power with each wound, is not only demotivating, but an almost certain loss.

'Fighting an animal or a deformed mutant will be easy, as long as your mutation is not complicated. They don't think about how to fight, they just go up and that's it. My tactic might work even better in this case. As for if I'm fighting a mutant human anyway… It's going to be complicated…' Until now, he hasn't fought to the death against an undeformed mutant, at best it was his training with Asa, he didn't even consider his sparr with Ruby a challenge, after all he barely used his mutation. However, he could still think of something without having experience on the subject.

'While my opponent does everything he can to avoid being hit, I can force an opening in his defense if I expose my unprotected body to him. Either he backs off because he doesn't want the exchange, or he falls into the trap of trying to kill me, and then I attack him! But… my biggest weakness is still the long range, if I find someone who attacks from a distance, I will almost certainly be defeated. Either I approach using [Blood Intuition] or try to hit him with one of my [Crimson Shots].' The flaw in his fighting style was obvious, anyone who saw him fight a few times would soon realize that.

'There's no way I can fix it right now even if I take a bow and arrow, they're only good for long distances, they'll take my main advantage in a fight. So I can only wait to try to evolve [Crimson Blast]… I choose the second option then." So he continued his analysis of the best weapon for him.

'A staff would also not be good for the same reason as the sword. It serves the same way, but it doesn't use my full potential. You can use it if need be, just like the sword, but…" He didn't stop thinking about his options, unfortunately nothing seemed to match his mutation, so time passed.

Soon, he arrived at his destination. The construction department, although theoretically very large, only consisted of three buildings, a shed where the materials were kept, another that served as a workshop and a large 2-story building that served as a shop and mini workshop for small objects. The three were next to each other, connected by a corridor at the back of each other.

'Well, Ill take a look at the ready-made weapons, maybe theres something that will suit me. With these thoughts he entered the two-story building.

The building was very plain, light brown in color, a little worn out, had no flashy decorations or signs, just a small sign on the wall painted white that said 'Jefferson's Little Shop'. The entrance was just an iron gate on wheels that slid to the side.

When Lucas walked in, the strong smell of metal and molten iron filled his nose, the sound of people talking and using their new weapons echoed in his ears. The store inside was very simple too, the products were hung on the side walls where large counters surrounded them, leaving a good space for customers to walk around and test their weapons. On these counters, some pieces and small support knives were displayed.

At the bottom of the ground floor on the right near the wall were four wooden logs 3 meters high and 30 centimeters in circumference that had cuts from top to bottom on their surface. Some deformed and normal mutants were testing the store's wares on these trunks. Some wore swords, others daggers, and some used custom metal baseball bats.

On the opposite side, about 10 small tables measuring two feet square were lined up next to each other. What caught the attention was its coating, which had various shapes, colors and textures. The mutants around them hit those tables just as they did the wooden logs. However, their objective was different, this time what they were testing was the quality of this coating, after all their choice would determine their chance of survival when they were attacked, as their 'armor' would be made of this material.

Lucas looked around, the store wasn't crowded even with about twenty customers looking or testing the merchandise. He was lost at first, as he didn't expect there to be so many things here. There were swords, gloves, maces, clubs, hammers, breastplates, spears, and much more that he didn't recognize. These types of weapons were no longer produced for sale since the 20th century, so he didn't know how and why they were there. He was still looking at the logs and tables in the back when a slightly thin but still masculine voice reached his ears.

"Are you going to stand there?! Either enter or leave, don't get in the way!" Looking to the side, Lucas saw that a teenager about 15 or 16 years old was talking to him. This young man was definitely angry, but because his voice was thin, for a man, the complaint lost some of its authority.

This thin-voiced teenager was about 1.70 tall, brown hair combed into a toupet, dark brown eyes almost black and despite his height and age, his muscles were very well defined, if not for his young voice and face. ', it would be very easy to mistake him for an adult.

"Sorry, I'm looking for Jefferson or Marcelo, where can I find them?" Lucas was not angry at his attitude and walked towards him as he spoke.

"Tsk, I'm Jefferson, what do you want?" The young man still responded in his authoritative voice. At that moment, Lucas saw Jefferson's most striking feature, his teeth. They were all sharp and silvery, similar to a shark. However, Lucas did not hesitate to continue, as he had seen worse things, besides having a big goal in mind.

"I came here at Asa's request to get a new weapon." Lucas responded and instantly the teenager's eyes lit up.

"Ohh, came to the right person! Come! What kind of weapon do you want? We have almost everything, swords, spears, halberds, axes and a lot more." He was immediately excited, and started walking around waving his hands at the items on the wall and on the counters. Lucas hesitated, after all he didn't know exactly what he needed.

"Ehh, I don't know exactly yet…"