Book 1___Optic

The Optic Crows.

Pete Lucius. A happy twenty year old who currently workes at a candy shop called Sweet Tooth for eight hours every six days of the week. He heads to church on Sundays and loves spending time with three of his closet friends, Red, Troy and Ohio.

One Friday morning business was slow, Pete wasn't as frustrated as his fellow colleagues, though he was bord out of his mind. The seconds that passed by felt like hours of pointless torture, but everything changed when they received a customer...she was a petite confident young lady who dressed in neat white and black garments.

She walked up to the counter with some TikTats bars, " How much?", " That will be $2.55 each. Thank you very much, sorry if I come off rude, but have we ever mate before?", Pete asked and her rebuttal was " No I don't think so, are you new in town?", " Not exactly I've lived in this town for about nine years and I've never set my eyes on such refine beauty. Pete Lucius".

" Haah, so your one of those, sorry but your not my type. A man who gives off his original motives at the beginning of the hunt, is a danger to the masses...", she said before walking away. After witnessing her cold resolve first hand, Pete knew that if he wanted her, he needed to fight for his praise.

He needed information about her and he was willing to do a lot in order to get it. Pete asked around the neighborhood and finally pinpointed her living quarters, all that was left was for him to convince Ali Potter that he was worth dating. Some of the most classic forms of proposal used in his fight for love included; the sending of flowers and fruit baskets, playing music out side her window, faking to drown in order for her to save him...but none were successful.

It was not until his twenty seventh time that Red got involved in order to assist his friend, that Ali started to embrace her true self and the beautiful, smart, strong postured girl was gone...a long black haired, shaggy clothes, baggy eyed slouch. Red was short from disgusted at what she had turned into, but Pete was an phased at her metamorphosis.

Her complete make over wasn't something people took so kindly, but she knew this would happen and was ready to force everyone away from her.
